《帝国时代IV》将在2023年3月之前上线Xbox Series X|S

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-11-25 18:40:26 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



《帝国时代IV》将在2023年3月之前上线Xbox Series X|S-第0张

10月底微软宣布了Xbox的《帝国时代》游戏,《帝国时代2》最终版将于2023年1月31日在Xbox One和Xbox Series X|S上推出。

《帝国时代IV》将在2023年3月之前上线Xbox Series X|S-第1张


《帝国时代IV》将在2023年3月之前上线Xbox Series X|S-第2张

《帝国时代 IV》是微软旗下的著名即时战略游戏系列《帝国时代》的第四部作品,由水雷工作室(Relic Entertainment)开发。本作仍以中世纪为时代背景,和过往系列游戏一样、游戏目标就是操纵一个文明、带领这个文明经历数百年的历史,通过各种方式征服所有敌人,在文明间的生存竞赛中胜出,致力于让玩家置身于塑造现代世界的史诗般历史战役的中心。

At the end of October, Microsoft announced the Age of Empires games for the Xbox. Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition will be available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S already on January 31, 2023, that is, at the beginning of next year. Exact release date for Age of Empires IV on Xbox Series X | S developers did not name at the announcement, noting that they plan to release it in 2023. Now it’s safe to say that the release of Age of Empires IV on Xbox Series X | S will take place no earlier than March 2023. The project developers presented a roadmap for the development of the strategy. In this roadmap, the release of Age of Empires IV on Xbox is scheduled for 2023, but after February, along with other “blurred” plans for the development of the game. Recall that recently the game Age of Empires IV received an Anniversary Edition on the PC with a lot of new content.

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