彭博社报道表示因PS VR2早期预购量不及预期,产品出货量将被索尼削减。 但索尼在之后作出回应,表示并没有打算削减PS VR2出货量。
索尼向GamesIndustry.biz表示,公司看到粉丝们对PS VR2及游戏充满了热情,其中包括《GT赛车7》、《地平线召唤之山》和《生化危机 村庄》等30多款游戏。
彭博社称索尼大幅下调了PlayStation VR 2的预期,甚至警告供应合作伙伴,可能会减少生产。该媒体称,索尼将PS VR2的首批出货量削减一半至100万台。
索尼在2022年11月开放了PS VR2的预购,起初还有所限制,但随后很快就放宽了条件,任何想要购买该设备的人都可以预购。设备国行版将于2月22日全球同步发售,售价4499元。
Sony Interactive Entertainment has commented on the latest Bloomberg report and has denied any statements about the reduced production volume. In a few weeks, Sony Interactive Entertainment will herald the new generation of its own virtual reality headset with the PlayStation VR2. However caused later today a report by the business magazine Bloomberg worry lines. The editors had reported that Sony had significantly lowered the sales forecast after the previously sobering number of pre-orders. Instead of the supposedly forecast two million sales, the video game magnate is now expected to sell one million headsets. The company itself had never confirmed these numbers. In fact, Bloomberg itself had put them into circulation. However, that wasn’t the only thing Bloomberg claimed in the article. Rather, Sony is said to have informed the suppliers that the order quantity for any production parts could be lower than initially expected. This would mean that fewer PlayStation VR2 headsets would be made, which could again lead to PlayStation 5-like supply shortages if demand suddenly spikes. Meanwhile, the company has faced GamesIndustry.biz issued a statement contradicting the Bloomberg report. The production volume was not reduced. Instead, you can see “the enthusiasm of PlayStation fans for the upcoming release, which includes more than 30 games such as Gran Turismo 7, Horizon Call of the Mountain and Resident Evil Village.” Accordingly, players who may want to wait until later to hit PlayStation VR2 need not worry that support could also end early. Nevertheless, the price of 599.99 euros is not to be scoffed at. If you take an additional 50 euros in hand, you can also sign up Pre-order the bundle with Horizon: Call of the Mountain. You also need a PlayStation 5, which increases the total cost to over 1,000 euros. More PlayStation VR2 news: Anyone who already secures a PlayStation VR2 at launch can immerse themselves in virtual reality from February 22, 2023. In addition to new productions that will be released exclusively for the virtual reality headset, several existing titles will also receive possible upgrades. More PlayStation VR2 news. Discuss this news on the PlayStation Forum Links to Amazon, Media Markt, Saturn and some other retailers are usually affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we receive a small commission that we can use to finance the free-to-use site. You have no disadvantages.