《WWE 2K》多款旧作在Steam下架 官方未有声明

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-07-26 12:24:15 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



《WWE 2K》多款旧作在Steam下架 官方未有声明-第0张

据报道,Steam上的WWE系列游戏被发行商2K下架,同时下架的还有这些游戏的所有DLC。虽然不能再购买,但已经购买并且拥有WWE 2K17、2K18、2K19和2K20游戏本体和DLC的玩家还可以继续游玩。2K暂时没有正式宣布从Steam上删除这些游戏。

老版WWE 2K系列被下架后,现在Steam上唯一可购买的WWE游戏是今年最新的《WWE 2K22》。


《WWE 2K22》一直是WWE 2K系列中最受欢迎的游戏。该游戏目前有规律的更新周期,定期有新DLC发布和其他内容更新。

《WWE 2K》多款旧作在Steam下架 官方未有声明-第1张

《WWE 2K》多款旧作在Steam下架 官方未有声明-第2张

《WWE 2K》多款旧作在Steam下架 官方未有声明-第3张

《WWE 2K》多款旧作在Steam下架 官方未有声明-第4张

《WWE 2K》多款旧作在Steam下架 官方未有声明-第5张

WWE games available on Steam have been de-listed by publisher 2K, along with all DLC for these games, as caught by PCGamer. While not available to buy anymore, WWE 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, and 2K20 can still be downloaded and played by those who already own the games. 2K made no official announcement about removing these games from Steam. With the removal of the older WWE 2K games, the only WWE games available on Steam right now is this year’s release, WWE 2K22, along with WWE 2K Battlegrounds. The removal of these games is likely related to 2K’s licensing agreements with WWE. With the professional wrestling company going through massive roster overhauls on an almost-yearly basis, it is likely that several of the de-listed games’ roster members are no longer covered under the licensing agreements between 2K and WWE. WWE 2K22 has been the most well-liked game in the franchise for a while now, and for more details, you can check out our review where we gave the game a score of 8 out of 10. The game is currently going through its release cycle with regular DLC releases and game updates.

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