
先看看萊依拉的愛好~畫星圖 Draw Star Charts
Drawing Star Charts is really tiring work... I really don't think I'd be able to keep at it if it wasn't something I'm interested in. You have to use a ruler, then do some calculations on paper, then check past Starlogs... Before you know it, the whole day is gone. But then when I look at the finished product, a huge, neatly drawn, accurate map of the stars... it always gives me a huge sense of accomplishment.
【sense of accomplishment】
A sense of accomplishment is important for helping us maintain a healthy sense of purpose as we work toward attaining success. It benefits every area of our lives, from mental to physical well-being. Conversely, feeling unaccomplished usually results in an overall unhappy life.
Happinesscomes froma sense of accomplishmentandcreativework.
I slept okay-ish before I came to the Akademiya, but since I started my studies... there's so much pressure... I just want to be able to sleep the whole night throo-hoo-hoough...
喜歡的食物是熱牛奶warm milk,可以助眠。
Every night before I go to bed, I make myself a glass of warm milk, in the hope I'll sleep well tonight, hope I'll sleep well tonight, hope I'll sleep well tonight... Zzz...
討厭的食物是睡眠軟糖Sleep Gummies,因為太貴了(可憐的娃,獎學金都被多莉賺走了)
Someone once told me about a mysterious merchant who was selling really effective Sleep Gummies. It cost all my scholarship money, plus all the other Mora I'd saved up, but I bought some. They worked great, and for a while I slept like a baby. But... they're 200 thousand Mora a box... I can't afford that... I—I can't let myself buy them ever again, nope, no way. Not even if they were buy one, get one free, or... well, buy one, get two free, hmm... actually... maybe I'd consider that.
n.軟糖;英文解釋為“Gummies are gluten-free and include no drugs, alcohol, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, or gluten.”
Mykidslovethesegummies!Greatflavor,lowsugar andbestofall,greatquality!
Oh... D—Dori... ahem... I took the plunge and bought something from her once. She looked euphoric as I was settling the bill — I think she assumed I was some sort of mega-rich person. Kept relentlessly sending product ads to me in the mail afterwards. Ugh... biggest mistake of my life! I paid such a huge price for it... 'cause not only did I spend all of my scholarship money in one go, but for most of the next year, I had to survive mainly on cheap vegetables, and I couldn't buy textbooks unless they were on sale...