
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-01-25 11:32:18 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language




开发商兼发行商Fatshark的CEO Martin Wahlund在周二的声明中表示,公司计划花费未来几个月时间来解决自游戏去年11月登陆PC后粉丝反馈的各种问题。





这也意味着我们将推迟赛季内容以及Xbox Series X|S版游戏。我们也将推迟即将到来的付费饰品,因为我们现在还没有解决游戏中的许多反馈问题。最后感谢大家的游玩和反馈,我们真的很感激。

《战锤40K:暗潮》是一个第一人称合作射击游戏,故事由Dan Abnett编写,他曾创作了多部《战锤》小说和绘画小说。《战锤40K:暗潮》是一个即时服务游戏,剧情将不断演化。

Fatshark has delayed the release of its seasonal content rollout and Xbox Series version of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide while addresses the feedback it has received from players on the PC version. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide launched for PC via Steam and Microsoft Store on November 30, 2022. The Xbox Series version was planned to launch “shortly after.” Get the full message from Fatshark CEO and co-founder Martin Wahlund on the delay below. We take enormous pride in our ability at Fatshark to deliver a game that millions can enjoy. This was what we set out to do with Warhammer 40,000: Darktide—to create a highly engaging and stable game with a level of depth that keeps you playing for weeks, not hours. We fell short of meeting those expectations. Over the next few months, our sole focus is to address the feedback that many of you have. In particular, we will focus on delivering a complete crafting system, a more rewarding progression loop, and continue to work on game stability and performance optimization. This also means that we will delay our seasonal content rollout and the Xbox Series X|S launch. We will also suspend the upcoming releases of premium cosmetics. We just couldn’t continue down this path, knowing that we have not addressed many feedback areas in the game today. Thank you for playing and providing feedback. We really appreciate it. It has and will continue to help shape the game we love. Martin Wahlund,CEO and Co-Founder of Fatshark

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