
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-11-28 15:10:16 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language




《木卫四协议》游戏总监Glauco Longhi接受外媒采访时称,他曾从《海绵宝宝》等卡通片中汲取游戏的开发灵感。




Glauco Longhi表示,漫画是去强调风格的绝佳灵感来源,因为漫画可以更好的传达信息和感受,并立即描绘出来。因此,尽管《海绵宝宝》的设计是为了传达不同的信息,但是同样的技术也可以用于不同的娱乐媒介,比如在《木卫四协议》中展示的恐怖和暴力。



© Despite the fact that The Callisto Protocol has a realistic setting, the developers did not set themselves any obstacles in order to draw inspiration from animated series and films when developing horror. Character director Glauco Longhi spoke about this during a recent interview. Longhi said that the team used a lot of imagination when studying the movements of the creatures in the game, as well as taking inspiration from animated series such as SpongeBob, which, through stylization, manage to give an immediate representation of the movement and impress the viewer. Overall, there was a strong search for visual strength, an element that would be emphasized above all in the bloodier phases of the game. The Callisto Protocol will be released on December 2nd for PlayStation, Xbox and PC.

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