【PC游戏】2024 年的《无主之地》系列值得期待

3楼猫 发布时间:2023-12-27 11:47:34 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language

【PC游戏】2024 年的《无主之地》系列值得期待-第0张

无主之地系列最近状况颇为有趣,沉寂多年的“传奇故事”系列回归后,粉丝们最关心的莫过于主线续作《无主之地 4》了。除此之外,继《小缇娜的奇幻之地》之后,可能还有更多衍生作品在路上。

2024 年初或许会有不少惊喜,毕竟还有一部大电影要上映,Gearbox 估计得忙着宣传新作品了。 2024 年上映的《无主之地》电影由凯特·布兰切特、凯文·哈特、杰米·李·柯蒂斯和杰克·布莱克等明星主演,导演是 Eli Roth。这部电影的剧情与游戏有所不同,但也将保留一些经典元素。

主线系列确实停更挺久了,哪怕没有新作问世,2024 年怎么也得搞点大动作。 粉丝们最想知道的就是《无主之地 4》到底出不出了,最近的爆料似乎坐实了 Gearbox 正在制作,下一款无主之地游戏肯定还会有的,就看啥时候出和讲什么故事了。一种可能是直接出个续作,新反派、新主角、经典玩法,既延续《无主之地 3》的剧情,又给以后的作品(或者 DLC)铺路。另一种可能则直接搞个大型多人在线游戏,圆了当年《无主之地:前传》中提到的“观察者战争”设想。 

《小缇娜的奇幻之地》是一部成功之作,但也有些遗憾。游戏的概念很有创意,但在后续内容方面有些乏善可陈,没有达到玩家的预期。《小缇娜的奇幻之地2》也有可能在 2024 年推出,但时间可能要比《无主之地 4》晚一些。Gearbox 表示,他们将在未来继续为《无主之地》系列提供更新,无论是否推出新作,玩家都可以期待看到更多类似《无主之地 3》Switch 补丁和《潘多拉宝盒》这样的惊喜。


Borderlands as a franchise has been in an interesting spot for a while now, as it has reprised its Tales series after a long time of inactivity, Borderlands 4 is likely the series' next big project, and there could also be more spin-offs on the horizon after Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. There are many projects that the franchise could announce in the early months of 2024, and with a big feature film in the works, there's a chance that marketing efforts on Gearbox's part may be directed toward these new titles. Borderlands games from the mainline series have been on hiatus for a while now, and it only makes sense for 2024 to be a big year for the franchise, even if no new releases drop. One of the biggest points of discussion for fans of the franchise is whether Borderlands 4 is coming or not, and with recent leaks seemingly proving that Gearbox is indeed working on it, officially announcing it when the time is right would be the best move. It feels inevitable that another Borderlands sees the light of day, it's more of a matter of when and what exactly it's about. One possibility is that the game will simply be a new mainline entry in the series, with Borderlands 4's villain, main characters, and typical gameplay delivering an experience that expands on the events of BL3 while also laying the grounds for another title in the future - or DLCs. Another option could be that the next Borderlands goes full MMO if it wants to make good on an old promise made in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, where Gearbox dropped the so-called "Watcher's War." Either way, Borderlands 4 seems like a possible release for 2025 or 2026, if not sooner, and dropping an announcement and release trailer in 2024 seems the next logical step for Gearbox. It's no mystery that Tiny Tina's Wonderlands was as much of a success as it was a huge disappointment. The concept of the game was a nostalgia boost for those who loved Assault on Dragon Keep in BL2, and while the base game was a good entry in the series, its post-launch content left much to be desired and it felt like an under-delivery of what was originally promised - or at least what players thought was coming. Still, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands 2 was leaked alongside Borderlands 4, and it too seems a likely project for Gearbox to undertake. While it's probably further out than BL4, it could still see an official announcement in 2024, or a different spin-off game could take its place, like a Tales From the Borderlands title. The only confirmed big release for the franchise next year is the Borderlands movie coming in the summer of 2024, specifically on August 9, as announced by Lionsgate. Based on the director Eli Roth's comments, the Borderlands movie shares DNA with Marvel projects, meaning that it will be very similar to the games in some regards, but also have its creative liberties and establish its own canon. With a cast including Cate Blanchett as Lilith, Kevin Hart as Roland, Jaime Lee Curtis as Tannis, and Jack Black as Claptrap, the Borderlands film might very well be a big hit a la Super Mario Bros. Movie. As the recent free Key drops for Borderlands 3 prove, Gearbox will still offer new updates for the games in the franchise for the foreseeable future. 2023 included a Switch patch for BL3, for example, as well as the release of the Borderlands Collection: Pandora's Box. Players can expect more of this type of thing in 2024 and beyond, regardless of new games being released. Borderlands 3 is the fourth installment in the Borderlands series. In this looter shooter, players take missions from NPCs and seek out Vaults, similar to the rest of the series.

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