Braised /breɪzd/ adj. 燉熟的;燜熟的;用文火燉到全熟的。近兩期的稻妻食物都沒用到假名。楓原萬葉這四個字我們逐字拆解下,楓 かえで kaede;原 はら hana;萬 まん??;葉 は ha。所以萬葉為什麼叫Kazuha我暫時還搞不懂,期待能有大神解惑。
Dried fish that has been grilled slowly over a charcoal flame. Fish air-dried overnight have a tinge of the salty sea wind and give off a tantalizing flavor when grilled. Many Inazumans who dwell near the sea know this taste well indeed.
charcoal /ˈtʃɑːrkoʊl/ n. 木炭
tinge /tɪndʒ/ n. 風味
tantalizing /ˈtæntəlaɪzɪŋ/ adj. 撩人的;逗引性的
Dried fish that has been grilled slowly over a charcoal flame. Every last droplet of moisture within the fish has been drained away, leaving behind naught but a texture that can only be compared to chewing on timber. One can barely tell the difference between fish and bones here.
droplet /ˈdrɑːplət/ n. 小滴,微滴
drain away 排去;流盡
timber /ˈtɪmbər/ n. 木材,原木
tell /tel/ v. 辨別,區別(熟詞生義)
Dried fish that has been grilled slowly over a charcoal flame. The rich fats ooze out as the fish meets the grill, and with those sizzling sounds, the fish is coated in a burnished golden coat. The meat is firm but delicious, and the mouthfeel is quite delicate. Such is the unsurpassed gift of the seas.
ooze out 滲出
sizzling /ˈsɪzlɪŋ/ 噝噝響的
burnished /ˈbɜːrnɪʃt/ adj. 錚亮的;光潔的
unsurpassed /ˌʌnsərˈpæst/ adj. 無法超越的
Kaedehara Kazuha's specialty. Made from fish that have been dried on the ship. Kazuha claims that they were completely ordinary fish. But this flavor... this must surely be the definition of free, all-embracing nature, no?
all-embracing /ˌɔːl ɪmˈbreɪsɪŋ/ adj. 包羅萬象的