原神|生日邮件英语(钟离 12月31日)~一年之末Year's end.

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-02-18 06:26:09 作者:无眠英语ENG Language


原神|生日邮件英语(钟离 12月31日)~一年之末Year's end.-第0张



Before I had even noticed, it is now the last day of the year.

It's a rather special day, which not only marks the end of one year, but the beginning of another. I dwell in contemplation every time this day comes.Time, history... Everything that flows in this world comes together in the last moment of this day.

Whether strong waves or trickle... They move on undeterred.

You've certainly been to a lot of places and done many things this year. Your presence is like a clear mirror on the earth.

A mirror can reveal a person's nature, reflect highs and lows of emotions, and illuminate the souls of heaven and earth.

On this special day, I too would like to see this world's mirror.

For someone who has journeyed for a long time, perhaps it's time to pause and take a break. If you are available, I hope we can meet up. Conversation over tea will be sure to lift your spirits.


Before I had even noticed, it is now the last day of the year.

It's a rather special day, which not only marks the end of one year, but the beginning of another. I dwell in contemplation every time this day comes.

contemplation/ˌkɑːntəmˈpleɪʃn/ n. 沉思,冥想



Time, history... Everything that flows in this world comes together in the last moment of this day.

Whether strong waves or trickle... They move on undeterred.

trickle/ˈtrɪkl/ n. 慢速移动;滴,淌,细流

undeterred/ˌʌndɪˈtɜːrd/  adj. 未受阻的;未被吓住的



You've certainly been to a lot of places and done many things this year. Your presence is like a clear mirror on the earth.

presence/ˈprezns/ n. 出席,存在


A mirror can reveal a person's nature, reflect highs and lows of emotions, and illuminate the souls of heaven and earth.

On this special day, I too would like to see this world's mirror.

illuminate/ɪˈluːmɪneɪt/  v. 照射,照亮



For someone who has journeyed for a long time, perhaps it's time to pause and take a break. If you are available, I hope we can meet up. Conversation over tea will be sure to lift your spirits.



原神|生日邮件英语(钟离 12月31日)~一年之末Year's end.-第1张


原神|生日邮件英语(钟离 12月31日)~一年之末Year's end.-第2张



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