
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-03-12 16:36:09 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language






这确实是一笔不小的数目,根据之前的报道,Mundfish工作室创始人曾拿出了自己的积蓄,此外他们还接受了不少大厂的投资,包括GEM Capital、腾讯等。另外,《原子之心》首发加入XGP也获得了一笔资金,RBC还采访了一些业内专家,他们认为:考虑到《原子之心》发售后表现不错,开发组可能已经或者很快就能回本。


另外有一位记者Aleksey Makarenkov最近采访了《原子之心》开发组,了解到他们目前正在忙于制作后续DLC,按照之前的计划该游戏会推出4部DLC。此外,开发组对于续作已经有想法了,他们认为非常有可能推出《原子之心2》。

Agency RBC devoted an economic article to the Russian militant Atomic Heart. Although the creators did not disclose its budget, various experts and sources have estimated the total production cost at $25 million. The main competitor of Atomic Heart in terms of scale and release date was named Hogwarts Legacywhich cost about $150 million to create. At the same time, the creators of Atomic Heart spent “hundreds of thousands of rubles” only on licensing music. Although the terms of use of songs studio Mundfish did not disclose. The game showed excellent payback, and even before the release, the rights to exit in Xbox Game Pass and VK Play. Atomic Heart is at the top of the sales charts, so if it hasn’t paid off yet, it’s just a matter of time. In a conversation with journalist and blogger Alexei Makarenkov, representatives of Mundfish said that the sequel to Atomic Heart will appear “with a very high probability.” While work is still on Atomic Heart 2 not confirmed, and the team is working on the previously announced four add-ons and patches. In the near future, Mundfish promises to talk about the sales of his shooter, and the studio has already planned a certain information event. More on Aroged

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