
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-11-05 21:15:53 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language




近日,Xbox負責人Matt Booty做客Skill Up的視頻節目,視頻中確認了《禁閉求生》的玩家數已經突破1300萬。


在今年二月份,本作的玩家數就突破了一千萬,而《禁閉求生》正式版已經於9月28日正式發售,正式版包括三個經過大規模修整的13個生物群系和包括巨型錦鯉魚和鳥類在內的44 種生物,以及一系列充實遊戲的功能。


 《禁閉求生》是Xbox Game Studios和黑曜石娛樂公佈的一款第一人稱、合作生存遊戲。玩家們的身軀將被縮小到一隻螞蟻的大小,得想辦法在一間郊區小院的微觀世界中生存下來。玩家們得運用院子裡獲得的各類日常物品搭建自己的基地、尋找各類救生物資、和友善的巨型昆蟲共生,另外也要在面對大規模敵對生物襲擊時為生存而戰。

Studio Obsidian at the end of September this year released Grounded – a role-playing adventure project about reduced children who are forced to survive in the backyard. Prior to this, the game Grounded was tested in early access for more than 2 years and replenished with features, but now players have access to a full-fledged project, which also has a story campaign (it was not in early access). Today Matt Booty, head of publishing at Xbox Game Studios, announced the impressive result of Grounded. Already, the number of players in Grounded exceeds 13 million people. Microsoft CEO Phil Spencer recently said that he’s been spending a lot of time at Grounded lately. It is worth saying that in February of this year, even in the early version of Grounded, the number of players exceeded 10 million people. Grounded is available on Game Pass.

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