The Golden Age黃金時代
The Traveler changed everything. It reshaped our solar system as decisively as it shattered our scientific and philosophical frameworks. To our ancestors it must have been a hammerblow-a glimpse beyond the horizon of expected possibility and into a realm of transcendent power.
The Traveler kindled the Golden Age. But we built it.We remember this with pride, even after so much else has been lost. We settled our solar system and filled it with our work.
Today Cryptarchs and scholars work to distill the legends of the Golden Age into truth. We know that humans lived longer, flew further, and knew more.We know that countless ancient diseases and hatreds were extinguished forever. Human aspiration gives birth to vast engineering projects, sweeping social movements, and even new forms of life.
The Golden Age was not without challenges.
Sources speak of internal strife, philosophical rifts-particularly around questions of machine intelligence and 'mind forking'-and enduring scientific enigmas.But humanity and its machine children tackled these problems with pride, vigor, and a contagious sense of pluralist compassion.
Once our cities lit the whole world.曾經,我們的城市照亮了整個世界。
Now we huddle under the shadow of the Traveler,in the last place it protects.如今我們蜷縮在旅行者的陰影下,在它最後一塊庇護的地方。
It is sovery fragile, this small blue ship, our home.它是如此脆弱,這艘藍色的小船,是我們的家。
“Where is the Great Machine?Where is the Great Machine?”—Chelchis,Kell of Stone
“When the Ghosts first found us,those who were chosen were blessed with power,but not wisdom.”—Lord Saladin
The Dark Age
“No one knew what had happened to the Traveler.No one understood what had happened to the world.But they beard the whispered call.”
They came from the wild lands, gathering in secret enclaves, slipping through the howling ruins of shattered cities, hoping to find the coast, find a ship,pick up the trail of an impossible dream.
From the deep black came the Awoken, their eyes haunted. Exos marched in the refugee columns,cloaked in moss and shattered memories. And among them came the Ghosts, beginning their search.
It was a time of vast suffering and terrible evil. But there was one hope: the promise of a refuge beneath the Traveler.
Lady Perun
Perun stood at the top of a sloping, narrow path cut into a steep plateau. It was not yet dawn,and the valley below her was foggy and dark.
"Maybe he's not coming." This from a thin woman at Perun's side, the mayor of the crumbling silvery ruins on the plateau behind them.
“We didn't want you wolves here.Lord Segoth knows that.”
In answer, Perun pointed into the valley. A red light had appeared.
The mayor let out a wail. “Segoth will kill us all. Or worse, he'll leave us to the Fallen.”
Perun shook her head. “Not gonna happen.”
The mayor looked at Perun and the two Titans standing on her other side.Then she turned and ran back into the village.
The red lights were larger; already the faint,choppy whine of repaired Pikes filled their ears. “Nine of them,” said Saladin.
“Nine,nine hundred, they still gotta come up the pass three at a time.” She cracked her knuckles. “Easy pickins.”
Radegast looked at her. “The north and south roads are undefended. If they change course-”
“They won't.”
“How do you know?”
“It's about making people afraid-of Segoth, and of us. Seeing his goons coming a ways off, knowing he's coming for blood..,the dread is part of the punishment. Anyway, he doesn't expect we'll still be here. So he takes the west road, 'cause it's the most visible, and the most direct.”
Radegast frowned. “Then it's time to show Segoth that his tyranny will end.”
“Not just Segoth,” said Perun. She jerked a thumb toward the ruins behind her.
Watchful faces poked out of windows and around tarps. “We gotta show them.”
The three of them picked up large, rough-hewn metal shields. Behind their shields,each held a worn rifle, wrapped with cloth and chain mail.
The Pike-riders' faces were now visible through early morning gloom. A man in long red robes pulled his Pike ahead as they screeched to a halt.
“Well,well,”said Segoth.“The Iron Wolves.”
“Cease your insults,” Saladin barked.
Perun shot him a surprised look. “That's an insult? I kinda like 'Wolves.”
“Begone,wolves,” Segoth sneered.“These people are mine.”
“Wrong,"Radegast retorted.“You abuse the powers the Traveler has entrusted us.”
Segoth smiled, and shrugged. “Shields up!”Perun shouted.
A hail of bullets slammed into their shields. Perun,Radegast, and Saladin slid backwards on the dusty path. But they dug in their heels, and the shields held.
“Return fire!”
Trapped in the narrow path, Segoth and his warriors fell one by one.
Perun, Radegast, and Saladin reloaded and then Segoth was up again, his glowing Ghost at his shoulder. He fired wildly, and a bullet struck Radegast in the head.
“Got him!”Perun shouted as Radegast collapsed.
“Covering you!” Saladin returned.
Perun, Radegast, and Saladin died many more times than any one of Segoth's men.But any time one of them fell, another would cover them until they staggered to their feet again. The shield wall held. The three gave no ground.
Finally,his robes singed and ragged,Segoth signaled a retreat.
“Iron Wolves!" he shouted as his warriors scattered and a cheer went up from the people in the silver ruins. “I will slaught ereveryone who has ever sheltered you!”
In answer, Perun shot him again.
Lord Radegast
Radegast strode through the ashes.A cloud hung in his wake as he made his way to the top of the rise.Scars marred his armor,and his sidearm lay in the dust. He didn't need it,now.The battle was over.
This had been a mining outpost,once.A few buildings and a transport.Nestledamid a small forest, it had been like a precious jewel set atop the dull crown of the wildlands.
Now there was almost nothing left.The warrior began to walk slowly down into the valley.He pulled his helm from his head and let it drop with a muted thud into the ash. Of the forest, only stumps remained.Of the small village there was no trace;the buildings reduced to splinters.Here and there you could see dull gray signs of inhabitation.
At the bottom of the valley,Radegast came to the source of the ash,death,and violence.The Light-bearers were laid out in a row, simple cloth covering their armored and robed forms.There were five of them,and they had been lined up beneath the melted girders of the settlement's great hall.
These warlords had terrorized this part of the wilds for years.Hundreds had died at their hands.
Radegast turned as his companions crossed the valley floor to join him. They had been policing the dead, finding a fitting end for the settlers and miners of the outpost.
Jolder came with a steady glide,energy and fire.Saladin,calm and slow,the weight of the dead on his shoulders.In formation behind them stepped Perun,her boots barely leaving a trace as she walked.They gathered before him.
"Never again."He intoned the words quietly. The others stood as battle-scarred statues.
“We ride against despots and warlords. We hide in these enclaves,hoping that other Light-bearers will not find us. We fear each other.”He shook his head, his fists clenched.
"And we should not. We are stronger,together.We are mighty,together.All we have to fear is...this."He pointed down at the dead warlords.“Giving in. All owing the power of the Light to blind us to what we truly are.”
It was Perun, of course,who asked the question. “What are we?" No judgment.No reproach.
Still,Radegast could feel their doubt.He turned upwards, and his eyes settled on the massive span that supported the hall.His eyes shone as he turned back to his fellows.
“We will be what the people need us to be.We will be guardians.We will be protecors .We will hold the last of us together.”
"Our days of hiding are ended. Say it now,each of you.Who among the other bearers do you trust? Who can be counted on to ride with us?"
"Bretomart,"said Jolder.“Deidris,"said Perun.
"I trust only you,Radegast,"said Saladin,and their leader scowled in response.“What are you saying? What are we?”Perun asked again.
Radegast smiled. “We will gather those you trust. We will not wait for this"-he gestured around him-"to force our hand.We will ride against those that would use the Light against our own.Humanity must have protectors.Like the knights of old.”
Around them,the dust swirled in the air.Shafts of sunlight coalesced in long slanted bars as the sun dipped towards the horizon.
“Are you with me? Will you stand with me-as Iron Lords?" In the waning light,their answers rang like thunder on the air.
Deep inside a clandestine strongholdsat the dark horse Felwinter and Citan,warlord of the 32nd Sector of Old Russia.A polished obsidian table rested heavily between them.
“Didn't think you'd have the courage to come back here,"said the warlord.
"Situational awareness, Not courage,I go where I can do the most good.Thank you for seeing me."Felwinter's voice soundedb as hollow as his helmet. Citan wanted to knock it clean off the Iron Lord's bony shoulders.He could do it with a single punch.
“As I recall,you used to have a throne on that Light-forsaken peak,'til you joined up with the wolves. You're the only warlord I know who held an entire mountain."
“Felwinter Peak."
"No one ever calls it that."
"The Iron Lords do. Though they did ask me to take that throne down."
Citan's laugh shook the room.“How is losing territory ever a good thing for a warlord?”Felwinter folded his hands a top the table.Underneath it,Citan made two fists,a crescent of Light flickering between them.
“Join us and find out,” said the Iron Lord.“Turn your sector over to us. You can still patrol it,of course."
Citan's voice lowered."Of course.You know I'll refuse."
"Then we'll put you down,and take your territory by force.Over and over again if we have to."
"I invite you to my home after you abandon us, and you come to threaten me?”The warlord stood,towering over Felwinter.
"To broker peace." Citan thought that even the voice behind the helmet didn't believe what it said. The floor shuddered as the warlord upended the massive table with one hand. It smashed into the opposite wall, as tendrils of Void Light passed through it and coalesced into Felwinter's leaping form.
Citan had seen this parlor trick before,and judged that he could hammer the Iron Lord out of the air-
But Felwinter's momentum continued into a knee-lift that smashed into Citan's head as the larger man reared back to strike.The warlord fell,the front of his helm shattering. Felwinter landed next to Citan's prone body.
“Lady Jolder taught me that.I can't say the Iron Lords haven't done me any favors,”the voice intoned.
“You know we'll burn the world down before we let the Iron Lords rule it,”the larger man gasped,breathing out of his mouth,his face a bloody mess.The Void Light in Felwinter's hand snapped-and so did the warlord's neck.
"Radegast is scattered. Perun is indecisive.Silimar wants to build a tower and hide.But they're going to change the world; no one can stop them,"Felwinter said quietly to the corpse.He parted his coat and drew a bronze shotgun.“Will it be for the better?I don't know. But they mean to end the fighting,so I don't have to sleep with my back to the wall every night,Light in my hand. And that's not nothing."
He paused,as if waiting for something.
“Normally, this is where I ask you to reconsider.Tell you that you should come with me.See how powerful your Light can become.But I know you,Citan. What you do with the land you take,with its people.The other Lords-especially Saladin-might let you walk away. I'm not going to give them the chance."
Citan's Ghost sparked into view from above,bringing its eye to bear on its fallen charge.The warlord emerged from a radiant column, a frenzied shout at his lips.
Felwinter's shotgun cracked like thunder-once for the warlord, and again for his Ghost.