1. 英文原文(加粗單詞為第二部分的重點單詞);
2. 重點單詞的中英文解釋;
3. 中英文翻譯;
1. 先不借助任何參考工具的情況下,自行通讀原文一遍。在這個階段,將自己不太理解的單詞和文段標記出來;
2. 學習重點單詞,並查找之前不理解的單詞,再返回原文閱讀標記的文段,看看是否理解了;
3. 最後通讀中英文翻譯,將自己仍不清楚的地方留言給我,我會盡力為您解讀。
Things Suicide Squad Doesn't Tell You

There are a mountain of mechanics in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and while the game does have a lengthy tutorial and frequently reminds you of certain mechanics, there are definitely some details that slip through the cracks, or you might just not understand how important they are. Below, you'll find a list of tips on things Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League doesn't always tell or remind you of.
Characters Level Up Differently

Suicide Squad is not the kind of game where you’re meant to just freely switch from character to character and have everyone level up alongside one another when you have bots in your squad. The more you use a character, the more experience that character will gain, the more they will level up, and the greater the
disparity there will be between that character and the others.
The good news is that bots will default to auto-equipping extra loot you find, meaning they'll still be able to deal adequate damage. The bad news is that under-leveled characters will be missing out in Talents from their Talent Tree that can really turn the tide in battle.

To alleviate this somewhat, there are missions where certain characters will be “psyched up” and will gain a bonus to both damage and EXP gained, which we would definitely recommend doing whenever you can to ensure that the rest of your squad doesn’t fall behind too far. Having a moderately leveled team can still help since bots will take control of those characters in single player.
Don't Miss Out on Combat Flair Challenges

Often times in most side or main missions, a list of optional challenges will appear in a small blue box on the corner of the screen. These Combat Flair Challenges will task you with performing a few stylish moves before the mission is over, and depending on the difficulty, they might be worth going out of your way to complete.
Once all of them are completed, you'll instantly gain a full heal, full shield, and gain 10 Combo on the spot! Use this to your advantage if things are getting risky to give yourself a second wind and complete the task! You can also earn an achievement for doing this enough times while playing single-player.
1. Slip through the cracks: 直譯是“從裂縫中溜走”。在實際使用中,它通常用來描述某事物或某人在管理、審查或注意的過程中被意外地遺漏或忽視;
2. Disparity: If there is a disparity between two or more things, there is a noticeable difference between them. 明顯差異;
3. Adequate: If something is adequate, there is enough of it or it is good enough to be used or accepted. 足夠的;
4. Turn the tide: 扭轉局面;
5. Alleviate: If you alleviate pain, suffering, or an unpleasant condition, you make it less intense or severe. 減輕 (不適);
6. Psych up: If you psych yourself up before a contest or a difficult task, you prepare yourself for it mentally, especially by telling yourself that you can win or succeed. 給自己鼓勁;
7. Moderately: within reasonable limits. 適度;適量;適中;
8. Flair: If you have flair, you do things in an original, interesting, and stylish way. 才華;
9. Second wind: When you get your second wind, you become able to continue doing something difficult or energetic after you have been tired or out of breath. 恢復元氣;
Things Suicide Squad Doesn't Tell You
There are a mountain of mechanics in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and while the game does have a lengthy tutorial and frequently reminds you of certain mechanics, there are definitely some details that slip through the cracks, or you might just not understand how important they are. Below, you'll find a list of tips on things Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League doesn't always tell or remind you of.
Characters Level Up Differently
Suicide Squad is not the kind of game where you’re meant to just freely switch from character to character and have everyone level up alongside one another when you have bots in your squad. The more you use a character, the more experience that character will gain, the more they will level up, and the greater the disparity there will be between that character and the others.
The good news is that bots will default to auto-equipping extra loot you find, meaning they'll still be able to deal adequate damage. The bad news is that under-leveled characters will be missing out in Talents from their Talent Tree that can really
turn the tide in battle.
To alleviate this somewhat, there are missions where certain characters will be “psyched up” and will gain a bonus to both damage and EXP gained, which we would definitely recommend doing whenever you can to ensure that the rest of your squad doesn’t fall behind too far. Having a moderately leveled team can still help since bots will take control of those characters in single player.
Don't Miss Out on Combat Flair Challenges
Often times in most side or main missions, a list of optional challenges will appear in a small blue box on the corner of the screen. These Combat Flair Challenges will task you with performing a few stylish moves before the mission is over, and depending on the difficulty, they might be worth going out of your way to complete.
Once all of them are completed, you'll instantly gain a full heal, full shield, and gain 10 Combo on the spot! Use this to your advantage if things are getting risky to give yourself a second wind and complete the task! You can also earn an achievement for doing this enough times while playing single-player.