【PC游戏】NCSOFT 发布多人游戏《Battle Crush》

3楼猫 发布时间:2023-03-10 19:08:33 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



【PC游戏】NCSOFT 发布多人游戏《Battle Crush》-第0张

NCSOFT近日发布了多人游戏《Battle Crush》,该游戏已有Steam界面,玩家可将其加入愿望单。

【PC游戏】NCSOFT 发布多人游戏《Battle Crush》-第1张


【PC游戏】NCSOFT 发布多人游戏《Battle Crush》-第2张

《Battle Crush》将为玩家提供多种模式,包括1v1对战,小型竞技场的大屠杀,以及为争夺最后一个人的权利而进行的皇家战斗。开发人员正在准备从古希腊和古罗马神话中选择大量的角色,以及不同的竞技场。


In this game, characters from Greek and Roman mythology will fight in a variety of arenas. Battle Crush will offer players several modes, including 1v1 battle, carnage in small arenas, as well as a royal battle for the right to be the last one standing. The developers are preparing a large selection of characters from the myths of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, as well as diverse arenas. The game will be released on PC, Nintendo Switch and mobile platforms in 2023. You can already add Battle Crush to your wishlist on Steam.

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