We have just released an update for Split Fiction. This update aims to fix a number of issues that the community has helped us identify since launch.
Fixed the rolling wheel in "Royal Palace" to improve experience when playing with more than 150 FPS.
Fixed the magnetized harpoon in "Down the Rabbit Hole" to take into account camera sensitivity settings for aiming.
Fixed not being able to stand inside the big pots in "The Legend of the Sandfish"
Fixed several minor visual glitches and pops visible during online play
Improved the tutorial prompts in "Walking Stick of Doom" to be more clear about available actions.
Various localization and subtitle fixes across all languages.
我們剛剛為《Split Fiction》發佈了最新更新!本次更新主要修復了自遊戲上線以來,玩家社區協助我們發現的若干問題。
• 修復「皇家宮殿」場景中滾輪機關問題,優化幀率超過150 FPS時的操作體驗;
• 調整「兔子洞深處」關卡磁吸魚叉的瞄準邏輯,使其根據玩家鏡頭靈敏度設置動態適配;
• 修復「沙魚傳說」場景中無法站立進入大型陶罐的交互異常;
• 修正線上模式中多處細微視覺穿幫及畫面突兀閃現問題;
• 優化「厄運手杖」教程提示的表述,更清晰地展示可操作指令;
• 全語言版本文本本地化及字幕錯誤統一修正。