《地球防卫军 6》销量突破 30 万份

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-03 12:34:32 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language

今日官方宣布,本作已经售出 30 万份。这一销量成绩是在一周内达成的,创下了系列最快销售记录。

《地球防卫军 6》销量突破 30 万份-第0张

Publisher D3 Publisher and developer Sandlot have announced that Earth Defense Force 6 has shipped 300,000 units in its first week since release. This is an impressive milestone, considering the game is only available on PS4 and PS5, and only in Japan. This milestone essentially makes Earth Defense Force 6 the fastest-selling game in the storied Earth Defense Force franchise. Earth Defense Force 6 was originally announced back in 2020. It was originally planned for a 2021 release, but its release date got pushed back to August 2022. Set in 2027—three years after the events of Earth Defense Force 5—Earth Defense Force 6 is stated to offer “the greatest sense of despair and excitement in the series yet,” according to its developers. There is yet to be an announcement for the western release of Earth Defense Force 6, but considering the general popularity of the series in the west, it is quite likely that we’ll see an English release at some point.

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