找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加!

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-01-29 13:51:59 作者:暗骷 Language


群里面的人都吵着要联机,可是人数不够,有人加群吗?欢迎各位加入!加入本群不仅可以拿到海量地图,人物存档,联机的时候还不会有人捣乱,炸图,本群会时不时的举行一些活动,比如胜利之光PVP,世界竞技场PVP,海岛生存,四柱开荒!QQ群784162981 一个专门解析BOSS打法,联机的群,欢迎加入!🎉🎉🎉群主,管理员对新人极其关爱,不会有歧视! 一群:784162981  对了,群里面还会举行各种活动:宝石争夺战~开荒生存~玩家PVP 正在开发的有~在我们之间(线路特别难搞) 1、我们不知道永远有多远,但是我们知道;永远在我们青春的誓言里!申请同志请说明职业。 2、群员有自愿加入的权利,管理员有随意踢人的义务,比如管理员发飙,抽风或脚痒的时候。(不可能发生) 3、以热爱本群为荣、以退出本群为耻;以服从群主为荣、以背离群主为耻;以带给信息为荣、以乱发广告为耻;以辛勤灌水为荣、以偷偷潜水为耻;以互相帮忙为荣、以互相贬低为耻;以经常上线为荣、以隐身离线为耻 谢谢!欢迎您的加入 多多支持二群

泰拉瑞亚各种临界点: 早上/日食/渔夫任务刷新:4.30am 晚上/血月/南瓜月/霜月:7.30pm 肉前:过两百血克眼史王随便来一个,哥布林入侵也会有几率来。砸一个暗球/猩心哥布林入侵会来。这个进度打埃特尼亚水晶只有四波,没有boss。 ps:至少拥有两个npc住你房子才可以召唤肉山。 肉后:400血可以用恶魔之心/生命果。埃特尼亚水晶增加到5波,没有boss。会出现猩红/腐化和神圣的蔓延,祭坛可以砸,新三矿出现,出现多种职业道路。钓鱼钓不到金夹铁夹天空夹等。没打新三王前会有一个来自己找你。npc战斗力/防御力加强。 花后:可以打开神庙门,可以打开地牢五神器宝箱,部分敌怪模样改变,成为精英怪,埃特尼亚水晶增加到7波,有boss黑暗魔法师。打完石巨人,地牢门口可以出现拜月教。可以触发月球入侵事件。 如有遗漏,欢迎补充(应该差的挺多的)漏的下一次出。

 The people in the group are all clamoring to get online, but the number of people is not enough. Does anyone join the group? Welcome to join us! Join this group not only can get massive maps, character archives, online time will not be disruptive, bomb map, this group will hold some activities from time to time, such as the light of victory PVP, world arena PVP, island survival, four pillars to open up wasteland! QQ group 784162 981 a special analysis of BOSS play, online group, welcome to join! Group leader,Administrators are extremely caring for new people, there will be no discrimination! One group: 784162981 Two groups: 961541810 Yes, there will be various activities in the group: gem battle ~ open up wasteland to survive ~ player PVP is developing ~ between us (the line is particularly difficult) 1. We don't know how far forever is, but we know; Forever in the oath of our youth! Please state your occupation when applying for a Comrade. 2. Group members have the right to join voluntarily, and administrators have the obligation to kick people at will, such as when administrators are angry, convulsive or itchy feet. 3. Be proud of loving the group and be ashamed of quitting the group; Be proud of obeying the group owner and be ashamed of deviating from the group owner; Be proud of bringing information and be ashamed of sending advertisements indiscriminately; Be proud of hard irrigation and be ashamed of diving secretly; Be proud of helping each other and ashamed of belittling each other; Be proud of being online frequently and be ashamed of being offline invisibly. Thank you! Welcome to join and support the second group.

Tyra Ruia's various critical points: morning / day food / fisherman task refresh: 4.30AM night / blood month / Nanwa month / frost month: 7.30PM meat: over two hundred blood eyes history king casually come, GoblinThe invasion will also have a chance.A dark ball / Scange brother's invasion will come.This progress hits Etternia crystals only four waves, no BOSS.PS: At least two NPCs live, you can summon meat.
Tyra Ruia's various critical points: morning / day food / fisherman task refresh: 4.30AM night / blood month / Nanwa month / frost month: 7.30PM meat: over two hundred blood eyes history king casually come, GoblinThe invasion will also have a chance.A dark ball / Scange brother's invasion will come.This progress hits Etternia crystals only four waves, no BOSS.PS: At least two NPCs live, you can summon meat.
After the meat: 400 blood can use the devil's heart / life.Etnia crystals increase to 5 waves, no BOSS.The scarlet / corruption and sacred spread will appear, the altar can be smashed, the new three mines appear, there are a variety of occupational paths.Fishing can't get a golden sandwich sky clip, etc.There will be one for you to find you in front of the three kings.NPC combat power / defensive power is strengthened.After spending: You can open the temple door, you can open the dungeon penta artifact treasure box.
Tyra Ruia's various critical points: morning / day food / fisherman task refresh: 4.30AM night / blood month / Nanwa month / frost month: 7.30PM meat: over two hundred blood eyes history king casually come, GoblinThe invasion will also have a chance.A dark ball / Scange brother's invasion will come.This progress hits Etternia crystals only four waves, no BOSS.PS: At least two NPCs live, you can summon meat.
Some enemy monsters change, becoming elite, Etni Crystals increase to 7 waves, with BOSS Dark Magic Master.After finishing the stone giant, the dungeon can have a worship teaching.Moon intrusion events can be triggered.If there is an omission, welcome to supplement (there should be quite a lot) leakage. 


Right, reselling this group map, the role file s hemp, this group does not sell the map, do not abuse the entire goods archive, do not buy the entire goods archive 


One last word! Support the second group! Group 2:9615 41810
找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第1张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第2张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第3张
找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第4张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第5张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第6张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第7张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第8张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第9张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第10张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第11张找人一起开荒,不带任何装备 想一起的请加群 QQ泰拉瑞亚群784162981 支持国际服国服联机!多多支持二群:961541810,求求了,有能力的可以全加! - 第12张


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