
3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-02-06 12:07:37 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language








記者又問《死亡空間:重製版》在未來更新中是否會增加新的難度模式?官方表示“New Game +”已經足夠了,他們不打算加入任何新的難度模式。

To date, the Dead Space remake is one of the most highly rated games of the year. The project was well received by players and critics, and its score on review aggregators is about 89-90 points out of 100. The authors of the remake have already noted that they would not mind working on updating the second part of the franchise, but this has not yet been approved. If the second part of Dead Space is released as a remake, then it will have to wait at least 2.5 years, at least if we focus on the development of a remake of the first part. The authors of the Dead Space remake told players on Reddit that the development of the project took about 2.5 years: We started in September 2020. Most of our team was formed after the release of Star Wars Squadrons. Recall that the remake of Dead Space was released only on the new generation of consoles and PC.

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