【战锤:末世鼠疫2】战锤末世鼠疫2开发日志: 2023平衡个人翻译(附带个人观点)

3楼猫 发布时间:2023-12-14 11:29:06 作者:睡人Sandman Language




NB: Translations for this dev blog into additional languages will be posting in the following week.Hello again, my name is Karl and I'm back to provide some commentary about our upcoming balance changes that were hinted at in the last dev blog.These changes intend to target clear outliers in both strength and weakness and attempt to bring them in line with the rest of the game while keeping their intended design.



【战锤:末世鼠疫2】战锤末世鼠疫2开发日志: 2023平衡个人翻译(附带个人观点)-第0张

First up was Pyromancer, as she was constantly brought up during discussions during the development of the Necromancer. Community perception was that she was lacking in identity which we agreed with. The fire wizard careers were always close to each other in how they played, even in the initial development of Vermintide 2. Part of the issue is that we allow each career to wield every staff available to Sienna. The spells that the staff brings dictates what ranged role Sienna will play and we then empower the roles through the use of talents. Currently, it’s not enough to get the feeling of uniqueness.




【战锤:末世鼠疫2】战锤末世鼠疫2开发日志: 2023平衡个人翻译(附带个人观点)-第1张

The new changes to Pyromancer aim to set the careers further apart through how they interact with her overcharge and melee mechanics.

  • Battle Wizard aims at bringing a balanced playstyle. Moving between casting spells and melee while venting overcharge through the passive.
  • Pyromancer leans more into the ranged side of Sienna, unleashing a lot more spells through improved overcharge capacity and spells scaling with that overcharge, but having a harder time getting rid of accumulated overcharge mid-fight.
  • Unchained leans into the melee side of Sienna, choosing between risk and reward with high overcharge gains with the tools to completely dump overcharge when needed.


  • 战斗法师旨在带来一种平衡的游戏风格。在施法和近战之间转换,同时通过被动释放过载值。
  • 火焰法师更倾向于西耶娜的远程,通过提高过载容量和并且释放更多法术,但在战斗中期更难摆脱累积的过载值。
  • 去缚者倾向于西耶娜的近战能力,在风险和回报之间做出权衡——获得高额的过载值收益,或是需要时使用工具释放过载。


We made these changes to Pyromancer help achieve this goal:

  • Moved 'Volans Doctrine' to Passive
  • Reduced 'The Burning Head' cooldown
  • New Perk 'One with Aqshy' - 50% increased max Overcharge. Added support for increasing Overcharge bar size to fit increased max overcharge :^)
  • Replaced ‘Volans Doctrine’ with 'Flamestrike's Tutelage' - Sienna gains 80% reduction on Venting damage. Each nearby enemy decreases the damage reduction by 20%.
  • ‘Exhaust’ replaced with ‘Dissipating Rictus' - The Burning Head grants 50% charge speed and Overcharge explosion immunity for 12 seconds.
  • Increased the duration of ‘Deathly DIssipation’
  • Increased the power bonus from ‘On the Precipice’
  • Increased the max power bonus from ‘Ride the Fire Wind


  • 将“Volans Doctrine”改为被动*(原25-2:过载不再导致减速DEBUFF)
  • 减少了“The Burning Head”冷却时间(职业技能:烈焰之颅)
  • 新被动“One with Aqshy”-增加50%的最大过载值。增加了对过载槽尺寸的支持,以适应增加的最大过载:^)(当前基础过载值40)
  • 将“Volans Doctrine”替换为“Flamestrike's Tutelage”-西耶娜获得80%的散热伤害减免。每个附近的敌人减少20%的伤害减免。(该技能替换新25-2)
  • ‘Exhaust’被‘Dissipating Rictus'取代-大招提供50%的法术充能速度和12秒的过载值爆炸免疫。(原30-1:大招清空过载值,过载爆炸期间无法使用大招)
  • 增加了“Deathly DIssipation”的持续时间(原20-1:杀死特感后10秒内使用法术不增长过载值)
  • 增加了‘On the Precipice’的力量加成(原20-2:30以上过载值下提高15%远程战力)
  • 增加了“Ride the Fire Wind”的最大力量加成(原10-1:每秒提高1%远程战力,最大叠加20层。叠加到最大后开始逐渐减少。)






【战锤:末世鼠疫2】战锤末世鼠疫2开发日志: 2023平衡个人翻译(附带个人观点)-第2张

Next up was Engineer. Perceived not only as weak, but also clunky to use. The clunkiness of the crank gun was clear and we have some changes lined up to alleviate that. The perceived weakness was a bit more tricky. We didn’t see this as an issue of damage output—frankly if the Engineer is allowed to concentrate fire he can put out some ridiculous numbers. But that's not when the true mettle of a career is tested. 

Vermintide 2 is quite easy when you are on cruise control running through levels and killing anything before it is a threat. The true test is when the unexpected happens. When a mauler teleports behind you mid overhead while the elf pulls the chaos patrol just as two assassins spawn. This is what creates those intense stories of heroic clutches that you want to tell your friends, but also where we felt the Engineer fell flat. With no panic button, clunky weaponry, and low health; the chances of his survival were quite slim.

It is a part of the Engineer’s design to be a ranged powerhouse that has to be protected. We want to keep the same spirit of the Engineer, but right now the ranged power to clutch potential ratio is a bit weak.







【战锤:末世鼠疫2】战锤末世鼠疫2开发日志: 2023平衡个人翻译(附带个人观点)-第3张

The following changes aim to bump the Engineers ranged prowess as well as offering the players some form of a panic button through the use of bombs:

  • Increased Engineer Health to 125
  • Increased 'Gromril-Plated Shot' damage
  • Increased base fire rate of 'linked compression chambers'
  • Reduced base Crank Gun starting fire rate
  • Reduced base Crank Gun fire rate gain per shot
  • ‘Build Pressure’ no longer loses stacks while firing.
  • Can ‘Build Pressure’ while on max ability bar
  • ‘Build Pressure’ stacks no longer lost on full bar.
  • ‘Leading Shots’ replaced with ‘Ingenious Ordnance' - Bardin creates a bomb every 80 seconds and explosives no longer deal friendly fire damage.
  • ‘Head full of Steam’ now grants Attack Speed instead of Power.
  • ‘Superior Gaskets’ now causes pressure to be lost upon firing instead of over time and each stack of pressure grants 4% power.
  • ‘Experimental Steam Capacitors’ replaced with ‘'Perilous Overclock' - Building Pressure at Max stacks restores 25% charge and grants 15% crit but damages Bardin. Each Overclock increases damage suffered.
  • ‘Bombardier’ now also causes Bardin to start missions with 3 bombs.
  • ‘Piston Power’ now also restores all stamina when triggered.


  • 将工程师生命值提高到125
  • 增加“Gromril Plated Shot”伤害(30-1:增加机枪的破甲杀伤能力和单发伤害,降低射速,提高技能消耗)
  • 增加了“linked compression chambers”的基础射速(30-2:机枪可以立刻以最大射速开火)
  • 降低基础机枪启动射速
  • 降低基础机枪每次射击的射速增益
  • ‘Build Pressure’在射击时不再丢失层数(基础被动,按装填给机枪增压回技能条,默认开火&时间达到后失去所有增压层数)
  • ‘Build Pressure’在技能条充满时也可以增压(现版本技能条最大值下无法增压)
  • ‘Build Pressure’在技能条充满时不再丢失(现版本技能条最大值下自动清空)
  • ‘Leading Shots’ 替换为  ‘Ingenious Ordnance' -巴丁每80秒制造一枚炸弹,爆炸物不再对友军造成火力伤害。(原10-1被替换。原10-1:远程射击每4次必定暴击且暴击不再随机出现)
  • ‘Head full of Steam’ 现在获得攻击速度而不是力量。(原20-1:压力叠加到5层使10秒内战力+15%)。
  • ‘Superior Gaskets’ 现在会导致开火时丢失压力而不是随时间推移丢失压力。每层压力提供4%力量。(原20-3:压力不会因为时间流逝丢失。每层压力提高2.5%攻速。最大叠加层数变为4层。)
  • ‘Experimental Steam Capacitors’ 替换为 ‘'Perilous Overclock' - 在最大层数下的继续增加压力可以恢复25%的技能条和15%的暴击概率,但会伤害巴丁。每次过度加压都会增加所受伤害。(原20-2:压力不会因为开火和充能满丢失。)
  • ‘Bombardier’ 现在额外让巴丁可以在任务开始时携带3颗手雷(25-2:巴丁的手雷同时带有炸弹和燃烧弹效果
  • ‘Piston Power’ 现在额外在触发时恢复所有体力(盾).(25-3:每隔15秒巴丁获得一次强化,下一次蓄力攻击带有极强踉跄。)。










【战锤:末世鼠疫2】战锤末世鼠疫2开发日志: 2023平衡个人翻译(附带个人观点)-第4张

Warrior Priest was the third career to receive some functionality changes to his talents. The main grievance we wanted to tackle was Righteous Fury and when players receive it. We wanted to try to move away from the ‘feels bad’ moment of having your hammers start to glow just as the final enemy of the wave is slain.




【战锤:末世鼠疫2】战锤末世鼠疫2开发日志: 2023平衡个人翻译(附带个人观点)-第5张

These new passive talents and changes aim to alleviate that while providing interesting ways of playing the warrior priest:

  • Base Shield of Faith now renders the hero immune to ranged knockback and allows them to trample through lesser enemies.
  • Replaced ‘Divine Excoriation’ with 'Blazing Bright' - Taking damage grants Victor Fury. Entering Righteous Fury grants Victor Shield of Faith.
  • ‘Empowered Smite’ replaced with 'See My Wrath' - Shield of Faith grants Victor 60% Fury. Smite now deals 40% of the attacks damage.
  • ‘From Fury, Fortitude’ now also grants Fury when Victor kills enemies.
  • ‘Prayer of Vengeance’ now grants the party power versus Monsters
  • ‘Unyielding Blessing’ now increases the duration of the Shield to 10 seconds and causes the shield to pulse when attacking.


  • 基础的”Shield of Faith“现在同样使英雄免受远程击退,并允许他们穿越较小的敌人。(原30-1附加效果移植到基础)
  • ‘Divine Excoriation’替换为 'Blazing Bright' - 受到伤害也会积累维克多的愤怒。进入”正义之怒“状态将为维克多武装一次”信仰护盾“(原20-1:强化状态下推搡会产生冲击波踉跄附近敌人)
  • ‘Empowered Smite’ 替换为 'See My Wrath' - 信仰之盾赋予维克多60%怒气. 二段打击伤害提高到40%武器威力.(原20-2:强化状态下二段打击延迟一秒触发,伤害提高至40%武器威力)
  • ‘From Fury, Fortitude’ 增加效果,使维克多杀死敌人时额外获得狂怒。(原20-3:强化状态下根据你击杀的敌人将为全队恢复血量(绿血))
  • ‘Prayer of Vengeance’ 现在改为增加团队”对怪物力量加成“(原25-1:全队暴击战力+35%
  • ‘Unyielding Blessing’ 将护盾的持续时间增加到10秒,并使护盾在攻击时产生脉冲(原30-1:特保持续延长到8秒,赋予自动击退附近小型敌人和免疫物理效果(比如击退)





【战锤:末世鼠疫2】战锤末世鼠疫2开发日志: 2023平衡个人翻译(附带个人观点)-第6张

Battle Wizard has been overperforming especially when combined with the very strong coruscation staff. We are bringing down the strength of the overperforming talents such as Famished Flames as well as adding a couple of seconds to the career skill cooldown to reign in the Battle Wizards running rampant:

  • Increased the cooldown of 'Fire Walk'
  • Reduced the damage reduction per burning enemy from ‘Soot Shield
  • Reduced the bonus damage to damage over time effects from ‘Famished Flames’ to 100%.
  • Reduced the reduction to normal damage from ‘Famished Flames’ to 15%.
  • Increased Cooldown Reduction from 'Volans Quickening' to 40%.
  • Increased the damage of 'Lingering Flames'


  • 职业技能'Fire Walk'冷却时间增加
  • 减少“Soot Shield”每层的减伤效果(原25-1:引燃敌人将获得10%伤害减免,持续5秒,最多3次)
  • 降低‘Famished Flames’DOT伤害增幅效果到100%.(原10-2:灼烧效果伤害+150%,非灼烧类攻击伤害-30%
  • 降低‘Famished Flames’对非点燃伤害的削减到15%
  • 'Volans Quickening' 的冷却缩减加成提高到 40%.(原30-1:火焰步冷却-30%)
  • 增加'Lingering Flames'的伤害(原10-3:灼烧效果将附着在敌人身上到死,但灼烧效果无法叠加)







The Necromancer hit the ground somewhat smoothly balance wise, but there are some talents we would like to bring up to par. We had hoped the potential of Army of the Dead would carry her over the line, but actively using her skeletons leaves her rarely getting full value out of the talent.

We are tweaking the behavior of the talent to keep that same potential, just easier to use:

  • ‘Army of the Dead’ now reanimates 6 additional Skeletons that decay after 20 seconds. (these can still stack)
  • Reduced the amount of Overcharge vent needed to trigger ‘Lost Souls’ and increased their damage.



  • ‘Army of the Dead’ 现在额外召唤6个骷髅兵,这些骷髅兵也会在20秒后崩坏。额外的骷髅兵也可以被叠加。(原30-1:召唤新的骷髅会让原本应该崩毁的骷髅再存在20秒再崩毁。)
  • ‘Lost Souls’触发需要的过热减少并增加伤害。(原25-3:以任何方式每释放20%过载值将产生一个小幽魂,小幽魂会对附近敌人造成少量伤害,并且每个小幽魂为亡灵法师恢复2临时生命。)





"Boss Killer" CareersIt has been brought up that our boss killer careers are a bit too good at their job to the point of trivializing monsters. This patch we are nudging down their strength through the following tweaks:

  • Grail Knight will see a reduction in their very easy to use power level talents as well as an increase to the cooldown of Blessed Blade
  • Not Shade specific but Dual Daggers, Shade's main tool to annihilate bosses will see a reduction to the monster damage modifier
  • Bounty Hunter will after an age see Double Shotted getting bug fixed. No longer triggering twice and reducing cooldown by 40% twice. We are increasing the cooldown refund to 60% to compensate.


  • 圣杯骑士将减少他们非常容易获得的力量加成,并增加祝福之刃的冷却时间
  • 双匕不是黯影的专用,但它依旧是黯影的主要歼灭BOSS工具。我们将减少双匕的对怪物系数。
  • 赏金猎人将在一个时段后看到双重射击(30-2)得到BUG错误。这个天赋不再能够触发冷却时间减少40%两次。我们将冷却恢复增加到60%以进行补偿。







【战锤:末世鼠疫2】战锤末世鼠疫2开发日志: 2023平衡个人翻译(附带个人观点)-第7张

Javelin and Coruscation staff have been running rampant for a good while. We are bringing down the strength of these weapons to let the rest of the heroes join in on the fun:

  • Javelin will see a nerf to armor damage as well as a significant reduction in cleave in an attempt to reduce the extreme versatility of the weapon.
  • Coruscation will see a reduction in overall damage as well as a decrease in the duration of the damage over time effect of the flame patch coupled with an increase to the tick rate in an attempt to reward keeping enemies inside the actual flame patch.

Most of our one-handed weaponry is underrepresented and or is underperforming. The fantasy of our one handed weapons is that of increased finesse and mobility that comes from having to wield and swing less weight. As such buffs to one-handed weapons should target, headshot damage, dodging, crit chance and stamina to name a few. As a first stab at giving the one handed weapons buffs that are accurate with their fantasy we have reduced the cost of pushing to 1 stamina for most one-handed weapons. More one-handed weapon buffs to come.


  • 标枪的破甲伤害降低,大幅度降低武器穿透以减少武器的极端多面功能性
  • 闪光法杖将降低整体伤害,降低火焰陷阱DOT伤害的持续时间。增加生效频率,鼓励将敌人滞留在火焰陷阱范围内






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