
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-01-21 16:13:55 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language




今日,由Quantic Dream开发的互动电影游戏《底特律:化身为人》官方宣布游戏在全球范围内销量超过800万份,并向所有玩家表示感谢。




Quantic Dream工作室首创“交互式剧情”的概念,旨在基于情绪与交互性叙事为玩家带来新的游戏体验。旗下《底特律:我欲为人》背景设定在2036年的底特律市,人类发明了仿生人,并将他们带入了日常生活。但是当仿生人开始表现得像是真的具有生命的时候,事情开始失控…

开发商Quantic Dream近些年还未推出新作品,目前正在开发的游戏有《星球大战:日蚀》和《碧波之下》,Quantic Dream曾在去年八月被网易收购。

Quantic Dream has had its fair share of issues behind-the-scenes, while the developer also hasn’t released a new game in nearly five years at this point- though the last game it did release is, at the very least, continuing to sell well. Taking recently to Twitter, Quantic Dream announced that Detroit: Become Human has now sold over 8 million copies worldwide. That’s up from 6.5 million in March of last year, which means the adventure title has maintained a steady and impressive pace where its sales are concerned. Detroit: Become Human launched as a PS4 exclusive in 2018 and was published by Sony. Following the end of Quantic Dream and Sony long-standing partnership, the developer self-published the game on PC in December 2019. Currently, Quantic Dream is working on Star Wars Eclipse, though reports claim that won’t be out until at least 2027. Meanwhile, the studio is also developing narrative adventure title Under the Waves. Quantic Dream was acquired by Chinese tech giant NetEase in August of last year- read more on that through here. We are proud to announce that #DetroitBecomeHuman has officially sold over 8 million copies worldwide! pic.twitter.com/12g1AvzN7k — Detroit: Become Human (@Detroit_Game) January 18, 2023

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