
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-03 22:10:19 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



在过去25年中,V社制作了非常有影响力的游戏,但数量一只手就能数的过来,虽然在 Steam Deck 上取得了成功,他们不会停止制作游戏的脚步。

当被问及《半条命》是否可能是目前正在开发的游戏IP之一时,Greg Coomer明确表示该系列肯定会继续。此外他还提到《传送门》IP是另一个值得“进一步探索”的系列。

"现在Valve有多款游戏正在开发中,我认为它们是相当令人兴奋的游戏。"Greg Coomer,坚持认为Valve还有很多正在开发的游戏,而不仅仅是Aperture Desk Job。


Valve has made some very big, influential games over the past 25 years, but it hasn't made a lot of games. You can literally count them on the fingers of one hand—and that number is mainly made up of sequels (Dota 2), spinoffs (Dota Underlords), and tech demos for new hardware (Aperture Desk Job). It's not really a problem on the business side of things because Steam is the proverbial money printer go brrr, but an awful lot of gamers sure would like it if Valve would get back to making the games they love, like it used to. In what's sure to come as good news for those long-suffering fans, Valve's Greg Coomer told Famitsu (opens in new tab) (via Tweaktown (opens in new tab), Google translated (opens in new tab)), that Valve remains deeply committed to making games, and in fact has multiple projects on the go at this very moment.  "Valve has a lot of games in development. We will continue to release games," Coomer said. "Game development is very important to Valve. I don't know the exact numbers, but the percentage of employees involved in game development is high. A lot of people are involved." And yes, that commitment extends to Half-Life, although to be clear Coomer said nothing specific about a Half-Life game in development. He did, however, say that Valve loves the setting and wants "to continue exploring the Half-Life universe." "Half-Life: Alyx was a really fun game to make," Coomer said. "Even for [those of] us who worked on that world, it's still fun to go back there and tell more stories. "Also, there are many challenges in virtual reality, and it was an interesting task to solve them. Half-Life works are always accompanied by technological innovation, so it was a big step in that sense as well ... Half-Life: Alyx is a sign that Valve has more to say about that world." Of course, you'll want to take Coomer's statement with, well, whatever quantity of salt you feel appropriate, because this is not the first time that someone from Valve has made this sort of statement while standing amidst a barren wasteland of no actual new games from Valve. Let us review: To be fair to Valve, it has a lot on the go. Steam is still crushing concurrent user records (opens in new tab), and the Steam Deck (opens in new tab) looks to be the legitimate hardware hit that Valve has been chasing for years. Still, there's no overlooking the fact that we've heard this sizzle without seeing the steak many times before, and I have no doubt that it'll happen again, almost certainly before we get our hands on any new game from Valve. 

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