
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-07-29 18:31:28 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language




Mobius Digital的太空探索遊戲Outer Wilds(連同DLC)將於9月15日發佈,登錄PS5和Xbox X/S,將支持原生60幀遊玩。請看下面的現世代版本的操作。

《星際拓荒》目前可在PS4、Xbox One和PC上游玩。故事中,玩家作為一名探險家,從母星上起飛,探索太陽系。而當太陽變成超新星爆炸時,玩家就會重新回到了自己的星球,基本上被困在一個時間循環中。是什麼導致了這個循環,以及如何從這個循環中解脫出來構成了核心的謎題,當然在探索中還有很多其他驚人的發現。

值得注意的是,此前購買PS4和Xbox One版本的玩家可以把遊戲免費升級到PS5和Xbox X/S版本。至於Nintendo Switch版本,Mobius Digital在Twitter上確認,它仍在開發中。"這是一項繁重的工作,而且,你肯定知道時間膨脹是如何在密集的引力場周圍發生的。請放心,它仍在開發中,當我們有勁爆的消息可以分享時,我們會讓你知道的。"





Mobius Digital’s space exploration title Outer Wilds (along with the Echoes of the Eye DLC) will be released on September 15th for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. It will include native 60 frames per second support. Check out the current-gen version in action below. Outer Wilds is currently available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The story sees the player as an explorer, lifting off from his home planet to explore the solar system. When the sun goes supernova, the player ends up back on their planet, essentially trapped in a time loop. What’s causing the loop and how to break free from it forms the core mystery, though there are plenty of other amazing discoveries to be made. It’s worth noting that those who the PS4 and Xbox One versions can upgrade to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S for free. As for the Nintendo Switch version, Mobius Digital confirmed on Twitter that it was still in development. “It’s a heavy undertaking, and well, you know how time dilation gets around dense gravitational fields. Rest assured it’s still being worked on, and we’ll let you know when we have something exciting to share.” We’ve been overdue for an update about Switch! It’s a heavy undertaking, and well, you know how time dilation gets around dense gravitational fields. Rest assured it’s still being worked on, and we’ll let you know when we have something exciting to share. — Mobius Digital Games (@Mobius_Games) July 28, 2022

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