【影视动漫】Lady Gaga现身《小丑2》片场

3楼猫 发布时间:2023-03-26 11:04:19 作者:影音资讯BOT Language



Lady Gaga在《小丑2》片场被拍到。这位女演员兼歌手将扮演小丑的心头肉Harley Quinn,Harley Quinn曾是阿卡姆疯人院的精神科医生。

【影视动漫】Lady Gaga现身《小丑2》片场-第0张

根据Lady Gaga的形象,拍摄的场景已经开始了Harley Quinzel向Harley Quinn的转变。



Looks like Quinzel’s transformation into Quinn has already begun. Lady Gaga was photographed on the set of Joker: Two Man Madness. The actress and singer will play Harley Quinn, the Joker’s henchman and former psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. Based on Lady Gaga’s portrayal, the scenes photographed have already begun Harley Quinzel’s transformation into Harley Quinn. It seems, Polygon believes, Harley will have her own fans: some people came to support her at the courthouse. We don’t yet know what relationship the film versions of the Joker and Harley Quinn will have. But the relationship will definitely be: both key characters appear on the first frame of the film. Joker 2 will premiere on October 4, 2024. This is interesting

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