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欧瑞克斯无畏舰中的世界有些病态。他们以强烈且炙热的怨恨抵抗着分析。至于欧瑞克斯本身,他更加的不可约束 — 他拒绝服从奎利亚的模拟行为,通过大肆破坏周围以传播混乱,他抓住了奎利亚许多的下级思维中枢,并且用他那超越因果的力量强制要求这些思维服从他的意志。超越因果的武器。这让奎利亚束手无策。
而最接近欧瑞克斯的模拟是一个奎利亚产生的自我引导程序。但那根本不可能是欧瑞克斯 — 奎利亚很清楚,那是一个去除了体内共生生物,去除了双翼与自身蜕变,去除了武器与力量的欧瑞克斯,而这根本就不合逻辑。
欧瑞克斯半跪下来,将他的利刃扛在了自己的左肩上,奎利亚调用了它所能调用的所有武器向欧瑞克斯开火,但这甚至不能在欧瑞克斯的护体结界凿出一丝裂缝。他透过那锤击在结界上的火光看向奎利亚的传感器,然后他说,“孩子,我有着你想拥有的任何事物,我是不朽的存在,我了解宇宙中最为深邃的奥秘,我曾探查过深渊的边缘,我率领着朝世界嘶吼的战月,在银河旋臂中追逐着那个充满谎言的神明,我的双拳之上承载着统治永恒的神秘力量,我的蠕虫内承载着我的王庭与我的子嗣 — 希望噬者,编织者与揭示者的贡品;而这些贡品让我得以摧毁敌人。我是欧瑞克斯,我是夺魂之王,我是那全能般的存在。”
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By now, Quria knows it can’t win.
There’s something pathological about the world inside Oryx’s ship. It resists analysis with hot, dead spite. And Oryx himself, he’s irreducible — he refuses to obey Quria’s simulations, he crashes around sowing chaos, he grabs subminds and compromises them with some kind of ontological weapon. Paracausal systems. Very problematic.
Quria’s trying the religious tactics it evolved in the Hive manifold. But even on those terms, Oryx is strong, so strong. Quria won’t be able to protect its gates much longer.
The closest Quria’s got to a simulation of Oryx is a best-guess bootstrap. It’s wrong — Quria’s sure of that, it’s Oryx minus the symbiote organism, minus the wings and morphs, minus the weapon, minus the power. No good for anything.
Quria manifests that simulation anyway. Just to see what happens.
The Taken King marches on Quria’s Hydra-hull, armed with blade and magic, cloaked in ancient cloth, and the universe wails in horror around him. Quria’s physics models and toy worlds choke and crash.
Quria observes, alert and attentive, as a single quark splits on the tip of Oryx’s sword.
From within the Hydra-hull, Quria’s tiny not-Oryx speaks. “What are you?” it says. It’s manifesting terror and awe.
Oryx’s eyes blaze with a curiosity that is entirely isomorphic with hate, with voracious hunger. “Aurash,” he says, in his Hive language. “You’ve made me as I was. You’ve made a tiny Aurash. Ha!”
Quria updates the simulation’s name. Aurash is curious: “You’re me? You’re me as I become?”
Oryx kneels. His blade is on his left shoulder. Quria is firing every available weapon at him, but his wards don’t break. He looks into Quria’s sensors through the hammering fire and he says, “Child, I have everything you wanted. I am immortal. I know the great secrets of the universe. I have scouted the edges of the Darkness and I have chased the lying god down galactic arms in a howling pack of moons. In my fist I carry the secret power that will rule eternity. In my worm I bear the tribute of my Court and of my children, the Hope-Eater, the Weaver, and the Unraveler; and with this tribute I smash my foes. I am Oryx, the Taken King. I am almighty.”
Quria samples the Taox intelligence retrieved from the Ecumene gate. There are useful names. It feeds them to the simulation.
“What about your sisters?” Aurash asks his future self. “Sathona? Xi Ro? Are they with you?”
The Taken King’s fangs glint. That sound might be a laugh, or a hiss.
Quria shuts down its weapons and puts all its spare resources into sending telemetry to the greater Vex. There will be points in space and time where this data is vital. There will be great projects undertaken in the study of this ontological power, this throne-space.
“Where are my sisters?” Aurash shouts. “What have you done with my people? What have you done?”
But Oryx’s fist is full of black fire, and the next thing Quria sees is a light like stars.
本文内容来源于《Destiny Grimoire Anthology》--Chapter 1《A Book Of Sorrow》(由于黑盒编辑没有斜体在此用中文书名符号标识)若想去阅读原文请移步至相关网站购买,本文由小黑盒用户Geneva独立翻译,转载请注明,若有争议请与我联系,感谢配合。