原神|生日郵件英語(煙緋 7月28日)~預約…

3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-10-17 15:09:27 作者:無眠英語ENG Language

原神|生日郵件英語(煙緋 7月28日)~預約…-第0張


When you used to come find me, I'd joke that you needed to make an appointment first. Now, it's my turn to book some of your time.

I remember you have plans to go to Fontaine, and today's the perfect opportunity for us to find a quiet place for me to tell you all about Fontaine's laws! It wouldn't do if you get careless once you get there, end up breaking some law, get arrested by the Maison Gardiennage, and then get sent to the Fortress of Meropide! Once that happens, even if you want me to be your attorney, it'll be too late, you know!

Though, on the other hand, you're usually pretty law-abiding, aren't you? Maybe I'm just worrying about nothing?

Anyway, just think of it as keeping me company. I've attached the deposit, so I'll be expecting you!


When you used to come find me, I'd joke that you needed to make an appointment first. Now, it's my turn to book some of your time.


I remember you have plans to go to Fontaine, and today's the perfect opportunity for us to find a quiet place for me to tell you all about Fontaine's laws!


It wouldn't do if you get careless once you get there, end up breaking some law, get arrested by the Maison Gardiennage, and then get sent to the Fortress of Meropide!


Once that happens, even if you want me to be your attorney, it'll be too late, you know!


Though, on the other hand, you're usually pretty law-abiding, aren't you? Maybe I'm just worrying about nothing?


Anyway, just think of it as keeping me company. I've attached the deposit, so I'll be expecting you!



make an appointment 預約

book 預約

get careless 一不留神

attorney 代理人

law-abiding 遵紀守法

worrying about nothing 杞人憂天

deposit 定金




but,我想聊的是獎牌榜。我看抖音上有些up把獎牌榜說成medal tally,而亞運官方網站的翻譯是medal table。

原神|生日郵件英語(煙緋 7月28日)~預約…-第1張

tally:a record of the number or amount of sth, especially one that you can keep adding to 記錄;積分表;賬

table:a list of facts or numbers arranged in a special order, usually in rows and columns 表;一覽表


© 2022 3樓貓 下載APP 站點地圖 廣告合作:asmrly666@gmail.com