原神|生日郵件英語(妮露 12月3日)~雨的舞蹈…

3樓貓 發佈時間:2024-01-05 15:07:30 作者:無眠英語ENG Language

原神|生日郵件英語(妮露 12月3日)~雨的舞蹈…-第0張


A few days ago, as I was passing through Apam Woods, it started raining heavily. I had no choice but to take shelter under a tree and stand there quietly watching the rain.

As the raindrops sent out large ripples across the water, and all the plants and flowers in the forest swayed happily, it suddenly occurred to me that the whole forest seemed to be dancing to the melody of the rain.

Could it be that, just as the wind finds its shape as it blows through the treetops, so too might the rain be using the plants in the forest to perform a dance of its very own? When I thought of this, I tried to imitate the rhythm I saw before me, and by doing so created a brand-new dance!

But before I stage an official performance... Perhaps I can first express my gratitude for nature's inspiration by performing this dance of joy for my close friend to witness!


A few days ago, as I was passing through Apam Woods, it started raining heavily. I had no choice but to take shelter under a tree and stand there quietly watching the rain.


As the raindrops sent out large ripples across the water, and all the plants and flowers in the forest swayed happily, it suddenly occurred to me that the whole forest seemed to be dancing to the melody of the rain.


Could it be that, just as the wind finds its shape as it blows through the treetops, so too might the rain be using the plants in the forest to perform a dance of its very own?


When I thought of this, I tried to imitate the rhythm I saw before me, and by doing so created a brand-new dance!


But before I stage an official performance... Perhaps I can first express my gratitude for nature's inspiration by performing this dance of joy for my close friend to witness!



take shelter 尋找/躲避庇護所,以避免危險、惡劣天氣等

ripple 漣漪

treetop 樹梢

© 2022 3樓貓 下載APP 站點地圖 廣告合作:asmrly666@gmail.com