《貓頭鷹男孩》開發商宣佈,將在2022 Gamescom上公佈最新作品

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-08-02 23:58:22 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language



《貓頭鷹男孩》開發商宣佈,將在2022 Gamescom上公佈最新作品-第0張

我們已經有一段時間沒有聽到D-Pad Studio的消息了,該開放商的《貓頭鷹男孩》曾獲得廣受好評的佳績。幸運的是,除了將這個平臺遊戲移植到多個平臺之外,開發商在最近的一條推文中宣佈了一部正在製作的新作,確認這款新遊戲將在8月24日至28日舉行的Gamescom上公佈。


Owlboy 是一款劇情驅動型跳臺冒險遊戲。其中,你可以飛去探索雲端的全新世界!邀上好友三五人,帶他們一起去探索開放的天空。 在當代最為細膩的冒險遊戲中,克服重重障礙,戰勝強悍敵人。作為一個沉默寡言者,Otus 努力達到貓頭鷹披風的期望。天空強盜的突然出現,令形勢急轉直下。 接下來需要通過遍佈怪物的廢墟,會有意想不到的遭遇,需要嚴守的秘密,以及本無需承擔的重擔。- Owlboy 是一款劇情驅動型動作冒險遊戲,以獨特的方式將飛行和平臺跳躍相結合,為新受眾向像素藝術獻上一封情書。

《貓頭鷹男孩》可在Xbox One、PS4、Nintendo Switch和PC平臺遊玩。

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from D-Pad Studio, the developer behind the critically acclaimed Owlboy. Fortunately, in addition to porting the platformer to multiple platforms, it’s been working on a new title. In a recent tweet, it confirmed that this new title would be revealed at Gamescom, which runs from August 24th to 28th. While it remains to be seen what new adventure awaits, the short GIF seemingly indicates another 2D title. Hopefully, we’ll learn more in the coming weeks as Gamescom approaches so stay tuned for additional details. Owlboy is available for Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. It tells the story of the mute Otus who is training to be an owl. Residing in Vellie, a floating settlement, Otus’s world is turned upside-down when pirates attack and take hostages. Working with his friend Geddy and other allies, Otus embarks on a journey to save his fellow villagers and learn more about the history of the owls. It's time! D-Pad Studio will be revealing it's NEW GAME at Gamescom #gamescom2022 (AUG 24-28).Stay tuned! ✨ pic.twitter.com/IEISRibnoa — D-Pad Studio (@DPadStudio) July 29, 2022

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