
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-08-07 10:55:36 作者:无眠英语ENG Language




Head of the adventure squad "The Moles," she calls herself Pitch-Dark Hook the Great.

*冒险集团 adventure squad。squad是(特殊任务)小组,队的意思,a group of people who have a particular task。比如敢死队 Suicide Squad。

*鼹鼠 Mole。mole还有间谍、痣的意思。

*漆黑的 Pitch-Dark。pitch有沥青,柏油的意思。像沥青一样黑,也就是漆黑的。


She doesn't like to be called a "kid" and believes she can handle things herself without any help from adults.

*独挡一面 without any help。还有一种比较常见的说法,find one's feet。


Afterayearinthework,shebegan to find her feet.


Adults adventure into the Fragmentum, Mr. Sampo adventures on the surface, and patients take their risky adventure seeking treatment from Natasha... Under the leadership of Hook, children can also have their own adventures!

*裂界 the Fragmentum。裂界:随着星核出现的空间扭曲现象,不停蚕食着现实,并且会影响正常人,让他们变成怪物。fragment是碎片的意思。

*在……的带领下 Under the leadership of。


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