《長途客車模擬(Fernbus Coach Simulator)》登錄主機平臺

3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-03-06 10:03:12 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language



《長途客車模擬(Fernbus Coach Simulator)》登錄主機平臺-第0張

發行商Aerosoft和開發商TML Studios和Zero Games Studio正在慶祝PS5和Xbox Series X|S的Fernbus Coach Simulator正式發佈。這款遊戲包含了目前PC版可用的所有地圖dlc,允許完整的歐洲旅行體驗。

《長途客車模擬(Fernbus Coach Simulator)》登錄主機平臺-第1張

通過與歐洲旅遊公司FlixBus的合作,玩家和有興趣的巴士司機現在可以在Fernbus Coach Simulator中駕駛標誌性的引人注目的綠色巴士,隨時準備在主機上上路。從柏林到阿姆斯特丹,從布魯塞爾和巴黎到烏塞多姆島,將您的乘客從一個城市運送到另一個城市,沿著5萬公里繁忙的歐洲鄉村道路和高速公路探索無數的景點。


© Publisher Aerosoft and developers TML Studios and Zero Games Studio are celebrating the official release of Fernbus Coach Simulator for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. The game includes all map DLCs currently available for the PC version, allowing for a complete European travel experience. In partnership with European travel company FlixBus, gamers and aspiring bus drivers can now get behind the wheel of the iconic eye-catching green buses in Fernbus Coach Simulator, ready to hit the road on current generation consoles. From Berlin to Amsterdam, from Brussels and Paris to the island of Usedom, transport your passengers from one city to another and discover countless attractions along 50,000 kilometers of superbly busy European country roads and motorways. From planning your own routes with multiple stops to driving at any time of the day (or night) in any season with varying weather conditions, pick up and drop off your passengers from bus stations in over 100 European cities. Be careful, however, as construction sites can become a problem for your already busy schedule. Drive modern large buses in the original green FlixBus livery, from MAN Lion’s Coach to MAN Lion’s Intercity and Neoplan Skyliner, with further downloadable buses already in development.

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