
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-10-04 12:34:07 作者:无眠英语ENG Language


In the Akademiya, the mere mention of the Matra's office can make any researcher's heart seize up.


毛骨悚然的 creepy

Apart from the renowned "evil deeds" of the Matra, what disturbs them even more is how creepy, dry laughter can be heard from the office whenever Cyno walks in...


得意smug satisfaction

Researchers firmly believe that this must be the Matra's way of expressing smug satisfaction at the sight of Cyno passing judgment on some hapless researcher.


幽默感sense of humor

But only the Matra know that the laughter is a response to Cyno's unique sense of humor.


得以通过ram through迫使他人接受

"I once worked on a case where the researcher involved was under great pressure because his paper had been rejected multiple times at the review stage. He eventually rammed it through by successfully bribing the members of his review committee. However, the data in that paper was so wrong that it didn't even take long to be exposed as academic fraud. When I went to arrest this researcher, he asked me 'what have I done wrong?'..."


After a pause, Cyno continued,


"I answered, 'Your paper.'"


Seeing the Matra all sit there in silence, Cyno seemed to be worried that they did not get the joke, so he went on to explain it with a serious expression,


"You see, the interesting part of this story lies in how, when he asked me what he had done wrong, he expected me to say that his fault lay with his bribing of the committee due to academic pressure, yet I told him that his error was in not reaching the correct conclusions in his paper. The clever part about this joke is that I changed the subject that was being discussed..."


不约而同地in concert

After he finished explaining, the Matra all exchanged looks before letting out a few dry, strangled laughs in concert...


萧杀肃穆somber and solemn

The awkward laughter lent a strange sense of human warmth then to the often somber and solemn Matra office.


However, to prevent such an awkward situation from ever happening again, the Matra gradually came to a consensus that after Cyno finishes telling a joke, everyone in the room must force out a laugh or two in response so that he will not start explaining it.



没收食堂饭票confiscate canteen meal tickets

On the other hand, any Matra who attempts to imitate Cyno's style will be harshly punished by the others through extreme means such as confiscating their canteen meal tickets.


After all, one Cyno is enough for the whole division.



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