【PC遊戲】上帝視角模擬遊戲Fata Deum分享開發進度細節

3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-03-06 10:04:25 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language



【PC遊戲】上帝視角模擬遊戲Fata Deum分享開發進度細節-第0張

Hooded Horse分享了Fata Deum團隊2023年的第一次更新。42 Bits Entertainment一直在努力把他們的上帝視角遊戲帶進真實的世界。

【PC遊戲】上帝視角模擬遊戲Fata Deum分享開發進度細節-第1張


從關卡設計到聲音設計、表演和鏡頭控制,Fata Deum的幾個關鍵領域都得到了顯著的改進。在未來的更新中,我們將會看到更多的關卡,以及更多的攝像邏輯和AI改進。

Fata Deum將於今年晚些時候通過Steam, GOG和Epic Games Store在PC上發佈搶先體驗。

© Hooded Horse has shared the first update of 2023 from the Fata Deum team. 42 Bits Entertainment has been hard at work bringing their upcoming god game to life. First of all, the studio expanded with four new faces. After spending some time learning and getting everyone used to their new roles, the team plunged headlong into the wave of new development updates. From level design to sound design, performance and camera control, several key areas of Fata Deum have received significant improvements. Expect more levels and further camera logic and AI improvements in future updates. Fata Deum will be released later this year in Early Access on PC via Steam, GOG, and the Epic Games Store.

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