登宝Having se* with a p*** star on the night and while your wife was peregnant这句太脏了过不了审
You have the morals of an alley cat 你的道德就像野猫一样
I donnot know what he said:我都不知道他在讲个毛线
Every single thing he said is a lie他说的每一句都是谎话
I have never heard so much malarkey活到82岁就没见过这么会比比的
You are the su**ker,you are the looser你是混*你是失败者
This guys three younger and a lot lesscompent比我年轻了三岁却弱的一皮

川宝 he is the worst president:他就是有史以来最糟糕的总统
if he win this selection,our countiy doesnot have chance;如果你们让这玩意赢了我,美国就肯定完蛋了
I never see nobody lie like this guy f,he can look you face and lie 我从来没见过像他这样会撒谎的人,甚至可以看着你的脸说谎
but the only reason I am in here he is so bad as a president that I am going to make American gret again我在这里的唯一原因就是因为他是最糟糕的总统,我将要使美国再次伟大