Justice ain't gonna despend itself 正義不會自己伸張
震爆彈:Wow ,hold up now/Hold there 乖乖站好!
That will get it down 這很有效
擊殺: No stopping me 誰能擋我?
Bingo 中獎了
Someone call the undertaker 誰來叫下掘墓人?
Guess it's all me now 猜只剩我一個了?
You're like a man possessed 你就像著了魔
Line them up ,Knock them down 排隊吃槍子吧
復活: I knew i wasn't a gunner 我可能還不是一個完美的槍手
Another worthy gunner 一個可敬的對手
I got an unfinished business 我還有事沒幹完
大招:It's High noon (德州諺語:我要來真的了)
大招擊殺:Like shooting fish in a barrel 就像射水桶裡的魚一樣簡單
Happens to the best of us.——你遇到了我們當中最厲害的一個
I don't much like losing.——我不太喜歡輸
I tried being reasonable, didn't take to it.——我不想再講道理了,實在受不了
I'm not good, not bad, but I sure as hell ain't ugly.——我也許不是好人,也不是壞人,但肯定不是小人
I'm the quick, you're the dead.——致命的快感
I'm your huckleberry.——我才是你要的那個人
It's your funeral.——棺材都替你準備好了
I've got a bullet with your name on it.——我的一顆子彈上刻著你的名字
Reach for the sky.——哪裡躲
Someone had to break the ice.——總得有人熱熱場
This calls for a celebration.——該慶祝一下了
Wanted:dead or alive.——我是不是要變成通緝犯了
Watch and learn.——好好學著點
You done?——結束了
You seem familiar, ain't I killed you before?——你看上去很眼熟,我殺過你嗎?
麥克雷:這些槍可不是給你到處亂扔的。(You weren’t given those guns to toss them around like trash。)
“死神”:我可輪不到你教。(I don‘t take lessons from you。)
“死神”:你掌握的一切都是我教的。(I taught you everything you know。)
麥克雷:幸運的是,我自己還有幾招。(Lucky for me, I still have a few tricks of my own。)
麥克雷:你知道嗎,把你們交給警察可是一大筆獎金。(You know, pretty good reward for bringing you boys in。)
“天使”:吸菸有害健康,你應該知道吧。(You know smoking‘s bad for your health。)
麥克雷:但是我相信你能把我救回來的,醫生。(Well, I have faith you can get me patched back up, doc。)
麥克雷:你也許很快,源氏。但你絕對快不過子彈。(You might be fast, Genji, but you ain‘t faster than a bullet。)
源氏:你想試試嗎?(Would you like to try and find out?)
麥克雷:美麗的西部是靠殘酷的戰爭贏來的。(And that‘s how the west was won。)
麥克雷:我還以為見鬼了。(Thought I saw a ghost。)
麥克雷:你還不夠快。(Not fast enough。)
麥克雷:我不喜歡欺負女人,但你是例外。(Don‘t like shootin’ a lady, but for you I‘ll make an exception。)
麥克雷:是啊,我不會喝咖啡的,喝起來就像滾燙的爛泥。(Yeah, I wouldn‘t drink the coffee, always tasted like boiled dirt。)
紀念宋老師一直high不出來的noon哈哈哈哈😂#鬥陣特攻# #鬥陣特攻歸來# #pc遊戲#
和我一樣喜歡high noon的小夥伴幫忙♥️點亮🌟➕關注喔!愛你們哦!