
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-07-21 22:32:59 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language






在回复蝙蝠女配音演员America Young关于圣地亚哥动漫展的推文时,Gotham KnightsTwitter账户表示,现在轮到蝙蝠女了。在游戏10月25日发布之前,工作室已经发布了每个哥谭骑士角色的游戏演示。最近的预告片是罗宾的游戏实机演示,展示了他多变游戏风格。

《哥谭骑士》将登陆PC、PS5和Xbox X/S系列。《哥谭骑士》最初也计划登陆PS4和Xbox One,但游戏的规模和地图大小迫使工作室取消了上一世代的主机版本。


Warner Bros. Games Montréal has started teasing gameplay for Batgirl in Gotham Knights. The studio has taken to Twitter to start teasing a reveal for Batgirl gameplay at the upcoming San Diego Comic Con. Responding to a tweet by Batgirl voice actor America Young about SDCC, the Gotham Knights Twitter account stated that it’s Batgirl’s turn. The studio has been releasing gameplay showcases for each of the Gotham Knights characters in the build up to the game’s October 25 release. The most recent trailer showed off gameplay for Robin, showing off his versatile play style that makes use of his quarterstaff as well as various gadgets. Nightwing and Red Hood have also gotten gameplay showcases in their own trailers. Gotham Knights will be coming to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. Gotham Knights was originally also planned for PS4 and Xbox One, but the game’s scale and scope forced the studio to cancel the last-gen versions. It's Batgirl's turn. #GothamKnights #SDCC https://t.co/Gm7RQYvgfn — Gotham Knights (@GothamKnights) July 20, 2022

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