
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-10 15:28:02 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



开发商 Skydance New Media 今日放出了旗下新作的首部先导预告片,这款游戏确认美国队长、黑豹美国士兵参战,加布里埃尔-琼斯和瓦坎德间谍纳纳利将与九头蛇作战。

该工作室由前顽皮狗创意总监 Amy Hennig 领导,除本次的漫威主题游戏外,还正在与卢卡斯合作开发一款《星球大战》主题新作。


The title is being developed by Skydance Studio, which is headed by Amy Hennig, the creator of Uncharted. The as yet untitled game will take place during World War II, where Captain America, Black Panther American soldier Gabriel Jones and the Wakandan spy Nanali will fight against the Hydra. Despite the presence of the four main characters, there will be no co-op in the project, and the gameplay, according to Hennig, will resemble games in the Uncharted series. The release dates and platforms on which the new game will be released have not yet been announced.

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