
3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-01-25 11:31:12 作者:GTAOL英文區 Language

Rockstar respond to major GTA Online exploit that bans any player



Rockstar Games have finally responded to the recent mod menu exploit that has allowed cheaters to ban and corrupt anyone’s data in GTA Online. We reported a few days ago on the new hack that began causing destruction in the PC version of GTA Online. Since then, it has been quiet on Rockstar’s front despite the situation worsening. As a community, we’ve seen plenty of security issues with GTA Online on PC over the years and yet this one tops them all.

R星終於對最近的mod菜單漏洞做出了回應,該漏洞允許騙子在GTA Online中禁止和破壞任何人的數據。幾天前,我們報道了一個新的黑客,它開始在GTA Online的PC版本中造成破壞。從那以後,儘管形勢惡化,但R星的戰線上一直很平靜。作為一個社區,多年來,我們在PC上看到了大量GTA Online的安全問題,但這一點最為突出。

The lack of communication from Rockstar Games on social media over the weekend has certainly upset a lot of PC GTA Online players. Some might not realise the posts Rockstar Games did put out over the weekend were scheduled in advance. Despite it being the weekend, a simple statement would have gone a long way given how severe this ordeal has become. Reputable insider TezFunz2 noted on January 21st Rockstar Games were aware of the issue.

週末,R星在社交媒體上缺乏溝通,這無疑讓許多PC GTA Online玩家感到不安。有些人可能沒有意識到R星在週末發佈的帖子是提前安排的。儘管是週末,但考慮到這場嚴峻的考驗,一個簡單的聲明會有很大的幫助。知名內幕人士TezFunz2在1月21日指出,R星意識到了這個問題。


Rockstar’s statement


Rockstar Games did release a statement last night via their Support account on Twitter acknowledging the issue. They said they “are aware of potential new exploits in GTA Online for PC”. They go onto say that a new downloadable patch that intends to fix it will be released but did not give a timeframe unfortunately. The tweet ended with a request to reach out to their support team if you have been affected by any of this recent cheat. This means if you have had your account banned/corrupted by a cheater, contact Rockstar Support and they will assist you. Here’s their tweet:

Rockstar Games昨晚通過Twitter上的支持賬戶發佈了一份聲明,承認了這一問題。他們表示“意識到GTA Online for PC中潛在的新漏洞”。他們接著表示,將發佈一個新的可下載補丁,打算修復它,但不幸的是,沒有給出時間表。這條推文的結尾是一個請求,如果你受到最近任何一次欺騙的影響,請聯繫他們的支持團隊。這意味著,如果您的帳戶被騙子禁用/破壞,請聯繫R星支持,他們將幫助您。以下是他們的推文:


We hope a proper fix can be implemented as swiftly as possible for the PC community of GTA Online players. Right now, players are scared to enter public lobbies and check out the recent Los Santos Drug Wars content. We shall report any further comments from Rockstar on this issue and when the update releases so you can get back to playing GTA Online agian. To keep up to date with everything Grand Theft Auto & Rockstar Games related, make sure to check back to RockstarINTEL.

我們希望GTA Online玩家的PC社區能夠儘快實施適當的修復。現在,玩家們都不敢進入公開戰局,查看最近洛聖都奶粉大戰內容。我們將在更新發布時報告R星對此問題的任何進一步評論,以便您可以重新開始玩GTA Online遊戲。要了解與俠盜獵車手和R星遊戲相關的所有信息,請務必返回RockstarINTEL。


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