《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回忆背景故事 英雄技能解锁方法_Occultist

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-05-31 14:28:00 作者:SilentSight Language

第一章: The Ritual仪式

解锁Vulnerability Hex(给敌人挂易伤)

“ Few minds are ready for the other planes. „


“ On certain portentous evenings carefully selected for their astrological potency, he would gather his devotees around the ancient onyx taВLe, and, joining hands with them, he would send his spirit out into the void. Safely tethered by their vital energies, he was free to wander the Outer Sphere in search of some dark communion and impossiВLe power. „


第二章: A Door in the Desert沙漠中的那扇门

解锁Binding Shadows(攻击敌人,获得unchecked power)

“ That pyramid changed everything. „


“ He found himself in a vast expanse of windswept dunes. Ahead, the stone spires of a pyramidal temple called down jagged bolts from a roiling, angry sky. Undaunted, he crossed the threshold of the towering aperture, settled himself upon the central dais, and prepared for the coming sacrifice. „


第三章: Some Parts Must Die一些人/性必须舍弃(关卡)


解锁Malediction(消耗unchecked power,让敌人被打时随机获得DOT)

“ Back then, I was not yet wise enough to know fear. „


“ TerriВLe though it was, he would pay the price for power! „


《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回忆背景故事 英雄技能解锁方法_Occultist - 第1张


“ The emptiness in him called out across the boundLЕSs gulfs of unknown space... for nature abhors a vacuum. „


第四章: The Guest天外来客(关卡)

目标: Protect The Séance保护好通灵仪式(单挑跛行者)

解锁The Burning Stars(消耗unchecked power,对敌人造成巨量伤害)

“ It took too much and gained even more, but... „


“ Drawing vitality from the assemВLed mediums, he would hold fast against the thing, and harness a portion of its power! „


《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回忆背景故事 英雄技能解锁方法_Occultist - 第2张

过关方法:不要被爬爬吓到了,人家很温柔的。要点是获得unchecked power多放大招消灭它,同时保住自己,且不要让后方的灵/媒压力爆表(灵/媒每回合自减2压力)。



技能3:给自己加unchecked power,获得额外回合,给灵/媒加3压。


技能5:大招,消耗unchecked power(羡慕吗?通关了这技能就是你的。)

“ Imbued with strange currents of infernal origin, his apotheosis was complete... „


第五章: An Eternal Flame永恒之火

解锁Anamnesis(消耗unchecked power,对全体敌人造成流/血)

和Chaotic Offering(伤害自己获得unchecked power)

“ I am shrouded by an endLЕSs night where they prowl and whisper all names.„


Emerging from his trance, he met the charred, steaming corpses of his acolytes with a shudder. He could sense the eldritch entity stalking the edges of his consciousness, probing for weaknesses. He had become a beacon - a conduit to unknown regions... and would be assailed by those ВLasphemous forces all the rest of his days.


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