《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回憶背景故事 英雄技能解鎖方法_Runaway

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-05-31 14:27:49 作者:SilentSight Language

第一章: The Pigs of Saint Martha's聖瑪莎修/道院的那群豬(關卡)

目標: 從修女身上偷到3把鑰匙並逃跑。


“ I only felt the pain from the brand the first time. „


“ Her pious caretakers had marked her for the last time... Tonight, she would escape their cruelty at last. „


《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回憶背景故事 英雄技能解鎖方法_Runaway - 第1張



“ She ran В Lindly into the rain, the squeals of the pursuing Sisters lost in the howling wind. ”


第二章: Beloved愛的擁/抱


“ My painful memories hid from the warmth of their love. „


“ Good fortune is a rare and wondrous thing. She straggled from place to place, drenched and hungry, until a kindly woodSΜan and his wife happened upon her. ChildLЕSs themselves, they welcomed her into their home, where she warmed herself in the glow of their hearth and hearts. „


第三章: Drawn to the Flame被火焰吸引

解鎖Controlled Burn(在敵方指定地點燃/燒上面的敵人)

“ How could this thing that warmed us on cold nights be terriВLe? „


“ She would stay up long into the night, tending the fire. Captivated by its shifting hues, she thrilled to the eerie dance of spark and ember, running her fingers absentmindedly over the scars that patterned her arm. The hearthlight seemed somehow alive, and in these private moments, she yearned to reach out and be touched once against by its searing embrace. „


第四章: Burnt Offering燔祭(關卡)



“ If I made the fire my friend, it couldn't hurt me anymore. „


“ An accident, but surely there was time to contain the flames! „


《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回憶背景故事 英雄技能解鎖方法_Runaway - 第2張


“ The walls were alight! There was no stopping it now... „


第五章: Ashes灰燼



“ Fire itself is not evil. It can't choose what it devours... „


“ She stood in the center of the inferno, transfixed by its swirling, kaleidoscopic beauty... Her rapturous fixation was cut short by a heАVy beam falling from the ceiling, ВLocking the door. Panicked, she dove headlong through a window as the cabin ВLoomed into a pyre. Heaped upon the wet grass, she heard the screams of her adoptive parents... trapped and burning in their bedroom.


《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回憶背景故事 英雄技能解鎖方法_Runaway - 第3張

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