《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回忆背景故事 英雄技能解锁方法_Man at-arms

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-05-31 14:27:42 作者:SilentSight Language

Man at-arms
第一章: A Premature Promotion草率的晋升


“ My ambition outflanked my fellow officers at soirees and mock skirmishes. „


“ The politics of a military career are perhaps as treacherous as war itself. Though untested in combat, his acumen for advancement was unmatched. Through a dubious campaign of influence and intimidation, he had at last claimed a coveted command, and was eager to bask in the glory of the victories that were sure to come. „


第二章: A Leader of Men统领士卒


解锁Stand Fast(给自己赋予护甲)

“ Clever repartee and a poison tongue meant nothing on the battlefield. „


“ Behold the conquering General, marching his men to victory! „


《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回忆背景故事 英雄技能解锁方法_Man at-arms - 第1张



“ A rout, massacre... a complete and total failure of command. „


第三章: One Eye Open单眼独睁


“ Were they dreams or did I truly see scratches on my arms in the morning? „

“早上我真的看到胳膊上有抓痕? 还是说那是一场梦?”

“ Every night, the men of his regiment would interrupt his fitful convaLЕScence. Mutilated and maimed, the spectral garrison clawed as his bedcovers, whispering hateful truths in his ears. The exhausted attendants in the field hospital would wake to the sound of panicked screaming and inglorious sobs. It was not the war that had taken his eye. It was pride. „


第四章: Ghosts of the Past逝去的亡/魂(关卡)

目标: 祭奠死者(消除所有亡灵)

解锁Courageous Abandon(消除自身护甲对敌造成大量伤害)

“ I knew what waited for me back there, but I had no rank and they deserved rest. „


“ Demoted and disgraced, he returned to the battlefield, ready to endure the wrath of his regiment and grant them some SΜall pe/ace. „


《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回忆背景故事 英雄技能解锁方法_Man at-arms - 第2张


每一回合,一个亡灵将发动一个增益技能,给予一个暴击token。使用2技能:Pour One Out来移除暴击并击晕。使用3技能:Pay Your Respects对亡灵直接伤害。亡灵消灭后会生成一个墓碑,压力过高时可以用1技能:Honor The Dead消除墓碑减压。四个亡灵全灭则通关。

“ At last, he would sleep undisturbed, and perhaps find some comfort in that murky abyss of dreamLЕSs wonder. „


第五章: In the Trenches身处战壕

解锁Command (为队友加攻击)

和Strategic Withdrawal(后退并标记敌人)

“ Someday, on some forgotten front, I'll spell contrition with my ВLood. „


“ He resolved to spend his remaining years seeking atonement in the trenches of ВLoody battlefields the world over. For him, there could be no respite from the horrors of war. And when, at last, he was struck down, he would die alone and unremembered. Surely he deserved no better. „


《暗黑地牢2》各英雄回忆背景故事 英雄技能解锁方法_Man at-arms - 第3张

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